Thursday, May 17, 2007


Four Rules For Effective Listening

Listening is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal to help build your business. So here's a quick reminder of the 4 rules (or guidelines, really) to be a great listener…

1. Be Present
2. Be Acknowledging
3. Be Accepting
4. Be Curious

Keep these in mind and you'll be a more effective listener and business builder.

Have a great week!

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance." Orville Wright

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

YOUR LIFE, YOUR LEGACY by Roger Hamilton: 3 for 2

Price US$49.90

ALL great entrepreneurs have something in common that has allowed them to create and contribute great wealth - flow!

Discover how to find YOUR flow!

You will learn that there are ONLY eight ways to build wealth and that each is a game of wealth with its own rules, and frequency. When you choose to play the game of wealth which best suits your own frequency, personality, and cause, you will attract everything you need to live the life you are meant to live.

Learn from the true stories of 38 entrepreneurial masters organised according to wealth profiles, including Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Edison, Donald Trump, and Sam Walton.

"I want you to read this book to maximize your earnings and contributions. You will love it! It will inspire you to end your poverty and the world's. Share it with three like minded people that are awake, concerned and want to make the world work better now. Money is the energy to make dreams come true. Roger has brilliantly made wealth creation energy accessible to you now. Read, Absorb, and Use his wisdom."

Mark Victor Hansen
Entrepreneur, Author of One Minute Millionaire, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.

ALL profits from this book will be donated to The Hunger Project...Buy 3 copies for the price of 2 now... plus you'll receive three entries to WIN a trip for 2 staying at Vision Villas, Bali.

YOUR LIFE, YOUR LEGACY by Roger Hamilton

Price US$24.95

ALL great entrepreneurs have something in common that has allowed them to create and contribute great wealth - flow!

Discover how to find YOUR flow!

You will learn that there are ONLY eight ways to build wealth and that each is a game of wealth with its own rules, and frequency. When you choose to play the game of wealth which best suits your own frequency, personality, and cause, you will attract everything you need to live the life you are meant to live.

Learn from the true stories of 38 entrepreneurial masters organised according to wealth profiles, including Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Edison, Donald Trump, and Sam Walton.

"I want you to read this book to maximize your earnings and contributions. You will love it! It will inspire you to end your poverty and the world's. Share it with three like minded people that are awake, concerned and want to make the world work better now. Money is the energy to make dreams come true. Roger has brilliantly made wealth creation energy accessible to you now. Read, Absorb, and Use his wisdom."

Mark Victor Hansen
Entrepreneur, Author of One Minute Millionaire, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.

ALL profits from this book will be donated to The Hunger Project... Support them by ordering your copy NOW... plus you'll be in the draw to WIN a trip for 2 staying at Vision Villas, Bali.


WINK: A Modern Day Parable of Wealth Beyond Words - by Roger Hamilton

Price US$15.00

WINK is a modern day parable of a nine year old boy being raised by his carpenter father who is sick and tired. Every day for the last 20 years the carpenter has visited the Well of Wealth and spent a dollar, believing that if he gives generously to the Well, it will give generously to him in return. On this day, the Carpenter is so unwell he is unable to visit the well, so he sends his nine year old son, Richard, in his place. Richard is entrusted with a treasured crumpled dollar, and sets off on his journey to the Well of Wealth.

Following an overgrown path, Richard discovers that the Well of Wealth is not where or what he thought it was. On the journey Richard meets a host of mysterious and intriguing characters including an old woman, an Optometrist, a Plumber, a Gardener, a Fisherman, a Rower, a Musician, and an Inn Keeper. Each have built their wealth in very different ways, and yet, there is something about them that is common to them all.

This fictional tale makes you think deeper as to the dynamics of wealth creation. The keys to wealth are in a story behind a story. To find the keys, you need to become better at seeing as "What you see is always what you get." Each reading will help you to discover more keys, until one by one, they will unlock the doors to your wealth.

BUY NOW and be in to WIN 7 Nights for 2 staying at XL Vision Villas, Bali (flights included).

***** Highly practical and useful, February 26, 2006

Reviewer: Tim Hansen, Thailand

Roger's book is a wonderful journey of this young man trying to understand what wealth is. Powerful yet simple to understand and leave you intrigued and puzzled enough to read it again and get the dog ears on it :-).

***** This book has moved me!, January 29, 2006

Reviewer: M Pearse, New Zealand

WINK is the only book that I have read more than twice. I have read it 5 times so far and each time it reveals to me more about myself. It has helped me think about what work I was doing and what I now will only do. To me it is about making choices in your world. Choices that we all have the ability to make though often are too scared to make. I recommend you do not lend this book to anyone, you will refer to it yourself too often!!!

***** Great guide to a better life!, January 24, 2006

Reviewer: Carlos Rios, Singapore

With the clarity and innocence of a small child, this book creates a new world of possibilities to open our eyes and move forward, dare to do something slightly different, to produce a great difference. "The world is waiting. Anticipating..." Fantastic job Roger!

***** So Good I Brought 20 copies, January 22, 2006

Reviewer: ML Faid, New Zealand

This is an excellent little parable, some would call it a bath read, sit in the bath read it then ponder what you have just learnt, then read it again. I was so impressed with the book that I brought 20 copies and made them available to some of my best clients.
This is a must read for anyone serious about getting wealthy.

***** Best book of 2005, January 21, 2006

Reviewer: Paul Dunn

This is a stunning book. It's a wonderful parable of a young man's search for wealth. And like any great parable (and this is certainly that) you go back to it time and time again. On each read there are brand new insights. This book is absolutely 'up there' with the finest 'classic' texts of all time.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

So You Think You Can Start A Business - Tips From Brad Sugars

Here is a summary of the 3-hour seminar that Brad conducted in Singapore on 3rd May 07, titled "Billionaire In Training".


A brief biodata about Brad Sugars. At age 22, he is a millionaire. At age 26, his accountant said that Brad is worth $10 million. He is now in his mid-thirties, a multi-millionaire and have read more than 1200 books on finance and business. His franchised coaching business has more than 800 franchised coaches in over 22 countries. In 1994, Robert Kiyosaki had asked Brad to be a speaker in Robert's Business School of Entrepreneur.


To adults, which comes first... to earn or to learn? Most of us will say... to earn. Here is Brad's first great advice at the seminar: Focus on Learning First. No wonder he read 1200 books! And no wonder every 3.5 mins, someone buys one of his books from Amazon. And no wonder Anthony Robbins read more than 700 books too.

I still have a lot of catching up to do, having read only around 50 books on personal growth. 95% of new businesses failed and although many reasons are given, these business owners failed to realise that the root cause is the lack of knowledge. For example, business closed down because of cash flow problems. It is because the owner lacks the knowledge on how to manage cash flow. Now you can see, the challenge is to learn first, not to earn.


For those who knows me, I have mentioned this before... to be competent in any field, there are only 3 ways. You have the natural talent or you learn on your own by trial and error or you learn from someone who is already an expert in that field.

This is a great question from Brad in the seminar:

Which is cheaper? To buy a book or to learn from your own mistakes (thru trial and error).

Well, if only the 95% of failed business owners had focus more on learning. And learning from the best teachers.


Are there anyone out there that is earning more or much, much more than you? If there are, then you can do it too. Most people want to be rich but they are not learning how to be rich. For example, the typical worker is too busy making money that he or she has no time to manage money. When we have set aside some funds, we have to know how to manage or grow them thru investments.

There are many tips that I got from the seminar. But the 3 most outstanding ones are:

Get leverage... do the work once and get paid forever. For example, writing a book. This is passive income.

Incidentally, if you have knowledge, you do it once and get paid forever too!

As for the other two outstanding tips... more of it later as we go along.


In the first place, what is a job? The true meaning of a job is that it is an apprenticeship to prepare you to start your own business. So find a job that you will learn. If you are in a job that you are not happy now, get out of it.

In a job, you do it once, you get paid once. This is active income. Our goal is then to move up the ladder from active to passive income. The typical ladder is thus an employee to self-employed to manager to business owner. To be successful and be rich, the whole process is a ten year period. If you want to take shortcuts (employee directly to business owner), majority of us are doomed to fail. The explosion of internet business and the bubble-burst is an example of the shortcut way. Most of the young wizards, after getting the funds just build websites. Building websites and running an internet business are two different things.

As we move up the ladder, let us look at some important points.

A job stands for 'just over broke'. And that is because we trade our time with money. As a self-employed we are in a see-saw. Balancing our time to do the business (the selling) and to run the business (managing). After some time, most of the self-employed will find that 'it ain't worth it' and they will go back on a job but this time, being wiser becomes a Manager. As a Manager, we are running endlessly. We are running to rectify the mistakes of our sub-ordinates. So until we are a good Manager, do not expect to get good sub-ordinates. Very often Managers are quick to put the blame to sub-ordinates instead of looking inward first. Then we come to being a business owner. Brad's definition of a business is "a commercial enterprise that works WITHOUT ME." Very often, businesses are built around your strengths or around you. Big mistake. If you have to be there, you don't have a business, you have a job!


The best way to earn from a business is to buy it, build it and then sell it. This is the 2nd outstanding tip from Brad:

You don't make money running a business; you make money selling it.

And 8 rules of a good business are;

  • Repetitive
  • Idiot-type
  • Low-skill
  • Bad marketing
  • Stable or normal product/service
  • Must have a great manager or jockey
  • Buy cash-flow not asset
  • My deal or no deal
-Repetitive means has repeat orders. Example maintenance of swimming pool vs installing swimming pool.

- Idiot type means the business owner has overlooked some common sense aspect of the business. Example if a coffee shop has capacity for 50 tables but the owner only put 30 tables.

- Low skill means if employees leave, the customers will not follow. This will happen in a highly-skilled business when an expert employee in the business leaves the job.

- Bad marketing means the business owner has overlooked on the importance of marketing and you can capitalise on this.

- Stable or normal product/service... if it is for a niche market and not mass market, it is more difficult to sell later.

- Great manager is like a great jockey riding on a race-horse. Which would you prefer. A great jockey riding on a bad horse or a bad jockey riding on a great horse.

- Buying cashflow is like buying a company that instals air-con vs buying a company manufacturing the air-con unit (manufacturer always has depreciation of eqpt).

- My deal means buy only on your terms. If necessary, walk away from deals and often you walk away more than you take deals. Get a fantastic bargain or deal, not an average one.

Here is amazing tip no 3 from Brad:

Don't chose a business;rather find a business that gives you a good deal.


After successfully doing a business (Buy, Build, Sell) you now have a new scenario. Since you are now earning passive income, what you have additional is TIME.

And now it is time to talk about investing your money. Now are are moving towards capital growth. Getting money from your business is income. Now you are ready to climb the capital ladder.

The sequence of the capital ladder is briefly you start buying retail, then you become an investor, followed by buying wholesale and finally becoming an entrepreneur.

Of course for each steps, you have to learn. As a beginner, you buy retail. Then as an investor, you use your money to buy deals. As a wholesaler, you buy in volume and as an entrepreneur you create opportunities by buying deals and selling deals.

For growing wealth, Brad recommends income from business first, then property, followed by stocks. The reason being at the start of the acquisition, you can immediately add value to the business while property it is limited value adding and for stocks, hardly you can add value at the start.


And here are some final words from Brad.

- You must have big goals. Make it into a 10 year plan. We always underestimate what we can do in 10 years and we overestimate what we can do in one year.

- You have but one job in life... to be the best me I can be, not an average me because when you are the best, you can have anything you want (from Jim Rohn).

Oh, by the way, Brad gave a special deal on his books at the seminar. A set consisting of 14 sets of books at a deep discount. I counted easily more than 30 participants buying them.

I was one of them.

Brad is currently on his world tour. Be sure to catch him live. If not, you can buy his books at Amazon.

And my most memorable experience... to have a photo taken with Brad, while I admire his very nice-looking diamond-studded watch.

Now that would be one of my first goal when I hit my first milllion.

Get Brad Sugar's Books from Amazon now!

If there is one thing that you can learn from Brad.... Learn, Learn, Learn. Grab a book, any book from Brad to start learning. After all, many people know what to do but few people do what they know.

Billionaire In Training (Instant Success) by Bradley J Sugars, Brad Sugars

This book gives more details on what Brad had talked about in the seminar. A must book in your collection if you are thinking about starting a business or if you are a seasoned businessman. I have this book since March last year.

Amazon Price: $11.53 (as of 05/12/2007)

The Business Coach (Instant Success) by Bradley J Sugars and Brad Sugars (Paperback - Dec 19, 2005)

This book gives you the fundamentals of how you can run a proper business so that you run ON the business and not IN the business. Excellent book to confirm if you know what you know in running a business... or what you don't know.

Amazon Price: $11.53 (as of 05/12/2007)

Instant Cashflow (Instant Success) by Bradley J Sugars, Brad Sugars

If you are already in business or an entrepreneur, this book is a must. You can gain instant additional income from areas that are right under your nose but somehow they have been overlooked.

Amazon Price: $11.53 (as of 05/12/2007)

The Real Estate Coach (Instant Success) by Bradley J Sugars, Brad Sugars

Amazon Price: $11.53 (as of 05/12/2007)

The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber

Brad also recommends that we read books from Michael Gerber. This book is also in my collection. Some useful tips on looking at our inside first before the business.

Amazon Price: $10.08 (as of 05/12/2007)

Tip no 1.

Test & Measure

Another tip when running your business which most business owners overlooked is failing to do a test and measure.In another words, if you have a marketing campaign or advertisement, you have to track the response.Otherwise, it is like watching a soccer game but not keeping track on the scores. So the footballers can be kicking back and forth and you do not know what is happening.

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