Friday, March 9, 2007
25 Reasons Why You Should Start Using Green Tea Right Now!!!
1. Green Tea and Cancer
Green tea helps reduce the risk of cancer. The antioxidant in green tea is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times better than vitamin E. This helps your body at protecting cells from damage believed to be linked to cancer.
2. Green Tea and Heart Disease
Green tea helps prevent heart disease and stroke by lowering the level of cholesterol. Even after the heart attack, it prevents cell deaths and speeds up the recovery of heart cells.
3. Green Tea and Anti-Aging
Green tea contains antioxidant known as polyphenols which fight against free radicals. What this means it helps you fight against aging and promotes longevity.
4. Green Tea and Weight Loss
Green tea helps with your body weight loss. Green tea burns fat and boosts your metabolism rate naturally. It can help you burn up to 70 calories in just one day. That translates to 7 pounds in one year.
5. Green Tea and Skin
Antioxidant in green tea protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals, which cause wrinkling and skin aging. Green tea also helps fight against skin cancer.
6. Green Tea and Arthritis
Green tea can help prevent and reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Green tea has benefit for your health as it protects the cartilage by blocking the enzyme that destroys cartilage.
7. Green Tea and Bones
The very key to this is high fluoride content found in green tea. It helps keep your bones strong. If you drink green tea every day, this will help you preserve your bone density.
8. Green Tea and Cholesterol
Green tea can help lower cholesterol level. It also improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol, by reducing bad cholesterol level.
9. Green Tea and Obesity
Green tea prevents obesity by stopping the movement of glucose in fat cells. If you are on a healthy diet, exercise regularly and drink green tea, it is unlikely you'll be obese.
10. Green Tea and Diabetes
Green tea improves lipid and glucose metabolisms, prevents sharp increases in blood sugar level, and balances your metabolism rate.
11. Green Tea and Alzheimer's
Green tea helps boost your memory. And although there's no cure for Alzheimer's, it helps slow the process of reduced acetylcholine in the brain, which leads to Alzheimer's.
12. Green Tea and Parkinson's
Antioxidants in green tea helps prevent against cell damage in the brain, which could cause Parkinson's. People drinking green tea also are less likely to progress with Parkinson's.
13. Green Tea and Liver Disease
Green tea helps prevent transplant failure in people with liver failure. Researches showed that green tea destroys harmful free radicals in fatty livers.
14. Green Tea and High Blood Pressure
Green tea helps prevent high blood pressure. Drinking green tea helps keep your blood pressure down by repressing angiotensin, which leads to high blood pressure.
15. Green Tea and Food Poisoning
Catechin found in green tea can kill bacteria which causes food poisoning and kills the toxins produced by those bacteria.
16. Green Tea and Blood Sugar
Blood sugar tends to increase with age, but polyphenols and polysaccharides in green tea help lower your blood sugar level.
17. Green Tea and Immunity
Polyphenols and flavenoids found in green tea help boost your immune system, making your health stronger in fighting against infections.
18. Green Tea and Cold and Flu
Green tea prevents you from getting a cold or flu. Vitamin C in green tea helps you treat the flu and the common cold.
19. Green Tea and Asthma
Theophylline in green tea relaxes the muscles which support the bronchial tubes, reducing the severity of asthma.
20. Green Tea and Ear Infection
Green tea helps with ear infection problem. For natural ear cleaning, soak a cutton ball in green tea and clean the infected ear.
21. Green Tea and Herpes
Green tea increases the effectiveness of topical interferon treatment of herpes. First green tea compress is applied, and then let the skin dry before the interferon treatment.
22. Green Tea and Tooth Decay
Green tea destroys bacteria and viruses that cause many dental diseases. It also slows the growth of bacteria which leads to bad breath.
23. Green Tea and Stress
L-theanine, which is a kind of amino acids in green tea, can help relieve stress and anxiety
24. Green Tea and Allergies
EGCG found in green tea relieves allergies. So, if you have allergies, you should really consider drinking green tea.
25. Green Tea and HIV
Scientists inJapanhave found that EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) in green tea can stop HIV from binding to healthy immune cells. What this means is that green tea can help stop the HIV virus from spreading.
Now, your health is in your hands.
You know you're smart. So, start using of green tea essential oil every day for a drug-free and healthier YOU!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
How to develop Leadership in your Internet MLM Business?
Be nasty to be nice Sometimes affiliates in my internet business spend time asking questions that they could have read and answered online by reading the online forums. The solution is to acknowledge the validity of their questions and direct them back to the online resource and tell them that its not that you do not want to help them but you want them to learn to direct any of their future downlines to the forum so as to help them save time when their downlines get real large.
Provide a roadmap Many people are fishing in the dark when they join any internet mlm business opportunity. Provide a simple plan for your new affiliates to follow and then give them a few resources and let them work. You want affiliates who are motivated to work so that these people can then build their own downlines strong and on autopilot without your intervention. Providing too much help I have found can be a hindrance to growth.
Reading List Some people have no idea what it takes to become a leader in their field of business and what it takes to succeed online. A good way for you to groom leaders is to choose a list of books for them to read in the library and discuss with them. Choose books like Rich Dad and Poor Dad and other leadership building books to help them along to become great internet mlm leaders.
In conclusion, leadership in your downline can be encouraged but not forced. Spend some time thinking and planning who in your downline can be groomed into a leader and help them achieve their potential today.
About the Business
You’ll learn how to:
• Take control of your financial future
• Potentially put serious profits into your pocket starting right now!
• Enjoy a lifestyle of your choice.
• Stand on the shoulders of giants to see further than you ever have before.
• Have everyone wondering how you “did it”!
Its not a Franchise ... Not an MLM ... So, what is it?!?
If the thought of working your entire life just to retire with a paltry pension or retirement plan makes you sick to your stomach, you've just found the right opportunity for you. Through this powerful hybrid business model you're about to introduced to, you have your hands on one of the fastest ways to wealth on the planet.
In short, our HYBRID business model combines the best aspects of a variety of other business models. First, it utilizes the "step-by-step" system aspect of the franchise business model. You will be a part of a proven success system similiar to a franchise without the franchise fees (with great training and support as the foundation). We use the most powerful compensation plan of the entire direct sales business model. And we allow enough entrepreneurial independence as found in a true "brick and morter" or "traditional business model". and at the same time captures the great success enhancing power of the "franchise" model, by providing a proven pattern for success. The "franchise" business model is dramatically more successful than both the traditional business model and the networking model. However, virtually no one can afford to purchase a major franchise. Therefore, the next best thing to owning a franchise is to join a network marketing company, like the one I am offering you today, that provides franchise-like power.
If you think you know what this business is ... you don't. If you think you've done something similiar to it ... you haven't. This business is like no other. We give the very best training and support available in the world today. You'll be trained by business leaders to become a leader yourself. All of this with no employees, no boss, no glass ceilings, and no commute whatsover. You can do this business from anywhere you want.
Are you Qualified?
You'll get all the training and support you could possibly need to succeed. But, remember, you must first qualify for this opportunity. Prove to us that you have a strong desire to succeed, and we will give you the keys to the kingdom ...
- We only work with the most highly motivated and positive people. You need to have huge dreams and huge income goals.
- You have to have the hunger to at least double your income in the next 6 to 9 months and triple or quadruple your income in the next 12 to 18 months and vastly improve your lifestyle in the process. (Hint: If you don't think this is possible, you probably don't qualify.)
- You will have to earn the money. That is, there is work to do and a system to follow. The money doesn’t just materialize in your bank account. This isn’t some B.S. “free lunch” internet opportunity.
- Here's a quote from Napoleon Hill that will give you a feel for what type of person we're looking for: "Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand., and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along." (PS We provide you with some pretty awesome training tools to get you started with.)
Dare to Be RICH!!!
Your Road to Success Truly is Determined by the Choices You Make!

I have been very successful in my business ventures, but I have never been more excited about a business than the one I am about to share with you. I want you to read this page carefully. This ad is targeted to reach serious individuals who have the burning desire to get out of what they are currently doing and more importantly achieve complete freedom in all aspects of their lives.
Please Allow Me To Show You How To Change Your Life Forever!!!
Take Note: We are not in the business of convincing people to become wealthy. We believe in providing the information to entrepreneurial minded people and allowing them to make their own decision.
蘋果電腦執行長Steve Jobs在2005年6月12日對史丹佛大學畢業生

成就了今天的你 做這樣的事
更好 不意味只有財務上的自主~
人生還有多事 是可以更好的
我只有勉勵我自己 把握每一件當下值得做的事

Global Franchisee + Franchisor RightsOur network marketing system is an innovative way to distribute products directly from the manufacturer to the customers by marketing the products through a network of distributors, globally and without any geographical limitation. Each distributor has the rights, to not only sell the products to customers, but also to build a new team of distributors under his/her umbrella.
The right to sell products to customers is the retail or franchisee dimension of this business from which you earn an active income, i.e. the more you retail, the more profit you make.
The right to build a new team of distributors under you is the distribution or franchisor dimension of this business from which you earn a leveraged income, i.e. you derive a percentage of the sales of each of your sub-distributors, and as your distribution team grows and becomes independent over time, so will this component of your income.
Our network marketing system thus provides more advantages than a traditional franchise in that you inherit the rights to be BOTH a global franchisee and a global franchisor. In other words, you can build your team of distributors comprising individuals from all across the entire world!
Multiple Streams of Income
This means the potential opportunity for you to establish a global business without huge capital investments, high risks, and the hassle of hiring hundreds of employees, etc. as would be required in a traditional business. More significantly, owning a truly global distribution network means you derive multiple income streams from different countries/ markets, equivalent to a diversified income portfolio which minimises risks associated with local adversities such as epidemics, wars, market downturns, etc.
If you are committed to learning the right way to do this business, and to put in the required effort to grow and nurture your distribution network, then you not only stand to gain unlimited wealth, you also have the chance to help your network of distributors achieve the same. Like the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki says, network marketing is a business for people who like helping people.
The Scent'al Success Formula
More millionaires have made their fortunes through network marketing than through any other businesses over the last decade. But this is NEITHER a get-rich-quick scheme, NOR just a passive investment instrument like a unit trust. If you are looking for a way to generate wealth without any effort, then this opportunity is not for you.
The fact is, we all work hard everyday, don't we? Some of us work hard trading our time for money as employees, in which case we tend to get caught in a never ending rat race. Some of us work just as hard, but somewhat smarter, by working at building a financial vehicle that will eventually gain and maintain its own momentum to generate wealth, in which case our life will get easier while the income gets bigger. If you're interested to be in the latter group, we are pleased to tell you that there's now a proven way to do so.
Fortunately, in this business, there have been enough successes as well as trials and errors before us. Based on invaluable experience of those before us, we have been able to formulate a comprehensive Scent'al Success Formula. The fact is, if you are prepared to learn this turnkey system faithfully and to apply it diligently, there is simply no reason why you will not succeed!Find out how you can learn and grow into a global networking entrepreneur...
不一會兒,兩個人都嚷得精疲力盡,說不出話來,這時前幾分鐘一直被迫採低姿態的先生忽然開口了, 他感慨地對他所愛的老婆說:「老婆,就算妳講得全都對, 但為了爭辯這麼小的事而壞了整個晚上的氣氛,值得嗎?」 「為了爭辯這麼小的事而壞了整個晚上的氣氛 ,值得嗎?」
雖是短短的幾個字, 確多麼值得我們這些講求「 贏 」為目的現代人省思啊
• 可不是嗎?有時候您贏了面子,
• 但其實您輸了感情;
• 有時候您贏了口舌,但其實您輸了形象;
• 有時候您贏了好處,但其實您輸了友誼…,
• 總之,有時候您看似贏了,
• 實際上您卻輸了! • 待人處事固然應該「據理」,
• 但卻不一定要臉紅脖子粗地在那兒「力爭」! • 理直氣「和」的態度絕對比理直氣「壯」更易為人所接受。
• 第一種人,沒有立場, 不講道理,態度也不好;
• 第二種人,沒有立場, 不講道理, 態度卻很好;
• 第三種人,有自己的原則,也很會講理,但表達方式卻很「衝」;
• 第四種人,很有立場,很講道理,溝通方式也很溫和。
如果將這四種人各配上一個形容詞, 我們可以說:
• 第一種人,是徹底的「可憐人」,因為他將一無所有
• 第二種人,是鄉愿型的「濫好人」,因為他實在缺乏立場
• 第三種人,是橫衝直撞的「機器人」,因為他雖然邏輯無礙,卻不懂與人相處的藝術
• 第四種,是「最可愛的人」,因為他們就是像天使一般。 • 在這個世界上,唯有成為「第四種人」
• 實在值得您深思咀嚼之。
Air Pollution Every Year

Pencetus segala jenis penyakitPenurunan kualitas udara
Pencetus segala jenis penyakitBeberapa berita di koran mengatakan bahwa keadaan udara kita sudah sangat tercemar.
Jika 100 tahun lalu kadar Oksigen (02) di udara mencapai 35% maka sekarang tinggal 17%. Kalangan kedokteran mengatakan bahwa kadar Oksigen (O2) yang dibutuhkan untuk menunjang kesehatan adalah 21%.
Dampak berkurangnya kadar Oksigen :
- Melemahnya sistim kekebalan tubuh -> mudah sakit
- Masalah peredaran darah -> Stroke
- Kelelahan terus menerus
- Gangguan pencernaan
- Penyakit karena virus
- Menurunnya daya ingat dan penuaan dini
- Gangguan tidur- Keracunan tubuh
- Mutasi sel -> pemicu Kanker
Kekurangan Oksigen merupakan penyebab utama dari segala jenis penyakit (Dr. Steven Levine, Phd). Menurut Dr. Otto Warburg (peraih 2 kali Nobel) mengatakan bahwa kanker hanya berkembang pada sel yang berada dalam lingkungan yang kekurangan oksigen.
Kanker akan mati jika sel tubuh mendapat cukup oksigen. Kita berpendapat bahwa berbagai makanan dan minuman adalah biang keladi segala penyakit modern. Tetapi ternyata setiap hari manusia hanya membutuhkan paling banyak 1 kg makanan dan 2 kg air, sedangkan kebutuhan udara adalah sebesar 13,5 kg ! 90% energi tubuh kita berasal dari udara yang kita hirup, dan hanya 10% berasal dari makanan. Jadi kalau kondisi udara kita tercemar bagaimana tubuh kita mampu bertahan dari serangan penyakit ? Bahkan untuk anak-anak, 50% dari Oksigen yang dihirup dipakai untuk perkembangan otak.
Jika kadar Oksigen kurang, maka setiap saat pertumbuhan otaknya berhenti sekian detik yang sangat berpengaruh pada kecerdasannya.
Survey menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar warga kota menghabiskan waktu 90% di dalam ruangan. Kita berfikir bahwa kita terbebas dari efek polusi udara yang semakin parah.
Tetapi ternyata survey dari EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) mengatakan, populasi di dalam ruangan (indoor pollution) 2-10 kali lipat lebih parah daripada outdoor pollution. Penyebabnya adalah :
- Sirkulasi CO2 dalam ruangan ber AC (ruang tertutup, tidak ada penambahan Oksigen (O2)
- Bakteri dan Kuman dari AC
- Asap rokok- Asap dapur
- Allergen udara dari binatang peliharaan dan tungau (hidup di karpet, gordyn, sofa dan seprei)
- Polusi dari bahan kimia : obat nyamuk, pengharum ruangan, mesin fotocopy, hairspray, cat tembok, pernis kayu, dll.
Sekarang banyak sekali orang yang terkena gangguan ginjal (cuci darah), tekanan darah tinggi, stres, jantung, stroke, diabetes, kolesterol, kanker, dan penyakit2 lainnya.
Mengapa ini terjadi ? Karena kondisi udara kita yang semakin tercemar.
AC saja kita servis tiap 3 bulan sekali, dan terlihat kotoran hitam, tetapi kapan kita menservis paru-paru kita ?
Apakah kondisi udara kita dimasa mendatang semakin membaik ?
Apakah kita menginginkan hidup sehat sampai tua ?
1 Produk terapi kesehatan dengan 5 fungsi : - Terapi Ozone (O3) : mematikan virus, bakteri, jamur, menetralisir asap rokok dan bau tidak sedap lainnya.
- Terapi Oksigen (02) : menambah kadar oksigen untuk menaikkan daya tahan tubuh.
- Terapi Anion (Ion negatif) : menetralkan ion positif, menjaga sirkulasi darah yang normal.
- Phytoncidere : getah dari tanaman, memberi vitamin pada udara, mematikan bakteri dan meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh.
- Aromatherapy : minyak esensial dari dedaunan tanaman obat yang memberikan efek pengobatan dan pencegahan penyakit, menaikkan daya tahan tubuh dan mematikan kuman.Produk yang kami tawarkan telah teruji sejak tahun 1897.Dibuat dari bahan alami yaitu dari ekstrak tanaman bit ditambah dengan minyak esensial dari tanaman obat, bunga, buah tanpa campuran minyak wangi dari bahan kimia, sehingga tidak menimbulkan efek samping.
Beberapa jenis penyakit / gangguan yang dapat dicegah dan diobati :
- Mencegah dan mengobati gangguan pernafasan, Bronchitis, Asma, Allergi, Sinusitis
- Mencegah penularan flu, SARS dan menekan aktivitas bakteri- Menstabilkan Tekanan darah tinggi / rendah
- Menstabilkan hormon wanita, meningkatkan kesuburan
- Menghilangkan stress, meningkatkan konsentrasi
- Melancarkan peredaran darah, mengobati insomnia (sulit tidur), sakit kepala / migrain
- Mengeluarkan zat2 kimia dari tubuh (keracunan / pecandu narkoba)
- Membantu pencernaan, retensi air seni, menurunkan kadar kolesterol.- Menhancurkan tungau dan mengusir serangga - Anti Kanker - dan lain-lain.
When there is a will, there is a way

Consider all options...
Then GO for it!
Use all the things God gave you!
Be creative!
In the end, you will succeed and prove them wrong! Always Remember "When there is a will, there is a way"
Success of a Self-Made Brand
Bel’Air Global Chairman Mr. Huang Shu Li is the pioneer who brought European aromatherapy products into Asia. Backed by the need to create healthier air quality, these products gained rapid popularity and recognition in Asia, where concern for air pollution has been increasing by the day. Soon, supplies were unable to meet the escalating demands and Bel’Air had to review the limitations of agency distribution.
For the permanent management of a business, integrated production and marketing is the sure way to go. Therefore, Bel’Air resolutely gave up its agency for the centuries-old French products and established its own factory in Franceand created the new Bel’Air brand name. This caused a huge upheaval. More than half of our clients and distributors, being used to the old product, drifted away. Sales volume was badly hit. Some started to doubt if the creation of a self-made brand was the wise choice to begin with.
It is never easy for a new brand to gain acceptance in the market, especially when faced with competition from similar products. Yet Bel’Air did this after it geared up on product research and development, with collaboration from a bio-tech research team. Combining the latest bio-technology with ancient Chinese herbal medicine, a new range of herbal essential oil products is developed, which delivers more prominent therapeutic effects. Besides elevating the domain of the products from air purification to bio-tech aromatherapy, Bel’Air has also worked closely with a group of German scientists and researchers to develop more advanced and enhanced beauty products in Singapore, sharpening our competitive edge and opening new horizons.
Foothold in Singapore, Sights on the World
In 2000, Bel’Air was officially launched in Singapore, with Mrs Goh. Chok Tong, then Prime Minister’s wife, as the guest-of-honour for the opening ceremony. As an international economic and trading hub, Singaporeis also blessed with a multi-lingual and multi-cultural environment and is thus the most ideal base for worldwide expansion. Coupled with Singaporeans’ broad international outlook and the efforts of our distributors, Bel’Air’s career strongholds soon extended to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailandand Philippinesin South-east Asia, as well as Japanin North-east Asia. Some distributors even went as far as USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, etc. The number of Bel’Airians grew rapidly across the globe. Now, the figure stands at several hundred thousands.
Bel’Air Regional CEO for Asia Ms Lee Xiang Ying heads the Singaporebranch office and handles the administration and management in Asian countries. In other words, Singaporeis the management centre for Bel’Air in the Asia-Pacific zone, spearheading new territories and serving as its critical link. We can also say that Singaporeis a lifeline of Bel’Air in the region.
Localising Education

Singaporedistributors translated the Chinese training materials to English and blended in local cultural flavours to suit Singapore’s social fabric. This led to the birth of an all-rounded training and education scheme, allowing Singaporeans to grasp the product essence, as well as the gist for team operations, with speed and precision. Their practical and progressive attitude has been handed down from then and is now a part of Bel’Air culture here.
Social Reciprocation
Since the day Bel’Air was rooted in Singapore, it has been constantly reciprocating to society with the fruits of its labour. This includes sponsoring the National Kidney Foundation and its Children Medical Fund in various ways, adopting a local contemporary dance troupe, being a principal sponsor for Singapore National Day Parade 2004, etc. Ms Lee thinks that network marketing is a “people” business. Besides elevating their professional knowledge and image, distributors also ought to develop the correct values to be an outstanding network marketer and a good citizen. So, whenever Ms Lee gives a rallying call, distributors would respond with enthusiasm.
Similarly, Bel’Air’s niche at the International Brand Summit boils down to its socially-conscientious image. With its concrete acts of participating in various community service events, it has established an excellent role model for network marketing and has also left a deep impression in public consciousness.
This passion has also given rise to heightened exposure. Following the publicity done by various media, Bel’Air’s logo has been imprinted throughout Singapore, shooting this enterprise to fame and popularity within a short time. Although this is not the motive of engaging in community service, it has nonetheless created market benefits and serves as a testament to Bel’Air’s glorious conquest which other network marketing companies can learn from.
The Future China Market
In the future, besides continuing to develop more quality products, Bel’Air will also step up on the opening of the Chinamarket. As network marketing is not yet liberalised in China, Bel’Air has used the legally-approved methods – traditional and wholesale – to expand our business map. Now, Bel’Air’s imprints can be found in all major provinces. Distributors have upheld the Bel’Air business spirit of professionalism and localisation to establish a firm foundation in China. This has given much commitment and reassurance to the relevant personnel. And when the law is passed for network marketing in China, Bel’Air will sow this fertile ground to reap the fruits one day.
Glory for a Young Brand
From Bel’Air’s success model, we can trace the difficulties of a business as it changed from an agent to a self-made brand. We can also see how it boldly re-invented itself in a quest for continuous breakthroughs, a reflection of these objectives laid by the International Brand Summit: local foothold, global expansion, brand establishment, future development. For such a young brand to share this international recognition and honour with other acclaimed gold brands, we can proudly proclaim, “Bel’Air has done it!”
International Brand SummitSpecial Edition
Crisis of Human Survival

The hole in the ozone layer above the North Pole is becoming larger, allowing large volumes of ultraviolet radiation to fall directly on the Earth’s surface, causing destruction and harm to humanity, and resulting in skin cancer and other bodily ailments. At the same time, it reduces the rate at which green plants photosynthesise, thereby reducing oxygen content in the atmosphere.
This has extreme negative effects on the Earth. Health organisations all over the world are continuously researching on ways of reducing such harmful effects on humanity. In a direct attempt to address the issue, many are actively looking into the effects of radiation, and taking measures to rectify the situation, such as modifying the coolant compartments in automobiles and refrigerators, and setting up new guidelines for certain products.

The emission of pollutants and toxic gases into the atmosphere has resulted in chemical reactions, which cause acid rain. Acid rain damages the environment by, for example, corroding the metals we use in car doors and buildings. It also harms human health; the first sign of prolonged exposure to acid rain is the onset of skin ailments.

4. The Contamination of Western Medicine
Frequently, we see a new phenomenon. Be it in the family or office, as soon as someone catches a cold or cough, it will inevitably spread quickly to someone else. Besides the highly contagious nature of the virus, the body’s low resistance to viruses also plays a part. The abusive use of antibiotics has resulted in viruses' resistance to medicines as well as deterioration of the human body’s immunity system. The rates of contagious diseases are thus on the rise.
Air Pollution
Rapid worldwide industrialisation has increased the daily emission of toxic waste and gases. Vehicle exhaust fumes and dust are increasingly trapped in our environment and this is exacerbated in densely populated cities where smog blankets and traps polluted air.
Tobacoo Smoke(Public Places)
The harmful effects of nicotine found in tobacco smoke are well documented. Passive smokers who are exposed to tobacco smoke in public places can also suffer from the same ill effects as smokers themselves – lung diseases, damages to our brain cells, heart problems, strokes, poor blood circulation and high blood pressure are some of the more well known illnesses associated with tobacco smoke.
Indoor Air Pollution
On average, we spend 80% of our time indoors. The high cost of living and pressure for space have resulted in smaller living areas, with a higher tendency of congestion and poorer ventilation. Coupled with an enclosed indoor environment, these living conditions often come with pollutants such as cigarette smoke, dust, fungi and spores, droppings from dust mites, chemicals from photocopying machines and construction materials (glue, paint) and smoke from cooking. Sustained exposure to these elements can cause cancer, respiratory ailments such as asthma, hypersensitive rhinitis, hypersensitive dermatitis, and deterioration of the immune system.
1. Cooking Smoke (Kitchen and Restaurant)
Research reveals that cooking a meal is equivalent to smoking six cigarettes. Although the proportion of women in China who smoke is small, the mortality rate of these women who suffer from pulmonary diseases is high. Epidemiologists suggest that there is a strong correlationship between this and the inhalation of smoke and oily fumes while cooking.
2. Recycling of Accumulated Carbon Dioxide (Office and Bedroom)
Prolonged inhalation of carbon dioxide in an enclosed or badly ventilated office can result in fatigue and lack of concentration among office workers. Fatigue felt after a long journey in the car is also similarly caused by poor circulation of air where there is insufficient oxygen to replace the carbon dioxide.
3. Bacteria and Fungus Found Living In Air Conditioners (Office Buildings, Hospitals, Homes, etc)
It is essential to clean the filters of all air-conditioning systems regularly, be it centralised or single units. Filth in the units will lead to the growth of micro-organisms which will flow into the room through the inlet duct when the air-conditioner is switched on. Many cases of asthma today are closely related to allergy to these micro-organisms.
4. Air Pollution by Chenical Substances (Home, Office)
The scents and odor of household products like insecticides, detergents, deodorisers, mosquito coils, hair gels, hair sprays, glue, correction fluid, calcium carbonate, etc, are sometimes unhealthy. They may even be carcinogenic.
The Change in Lifestyle
1. Changes In Diet
In the modern diet, chemical additives occupy nearly 65% of all daily food content. In addition, fashionable trends in fast food resulted in people taking in excessive animal fats and food with high cholesterol contents. Such changes in eating habits resulted in people consuming too much unhealthy products and thus health is affected.
2. Lack of Exercise
Oxygen is important to the body. With exercise, oxygen will help to strengthen cardiac and lung functions. Exercise will also help to burn excess fats and reduces intravascular LDL (low density lipoprotein cholesterol) to prevent arteriosclerosis. Exercising will benefit the health but when done excessively, it will result in hypoxia and overproduction of free radicals causing physiological imbalance.
3. Mental Stress
Changes in the present living environment: reductions in natural greens making way for the metropolis jungle, inter-personal relationships becoming increasingly superficial. As life’s pressures build up, so does stress in the workplace. The world of feelings and EQ succumb to imbalance. Many urban dwellers suffer from the ills of depression and this constitutes another concern for modern society living.
The Origin of Virus and Allergy
Mankind’s endless devastation to Mother Nature has resulted in severe environmental pollutions, and nature is reacting. The constant mutation of bacteria and virus variations, coupled with the bustle of world trade, has lent favor to virus propagation. With developments in aviation and frequent travel, viruses are being disseminated at lightning speed across the globe. Strange illness abound and the pace of medical research cannot keep up with the unexpected speed of viral mutation. Plagues continue to endanger lives of humans and livestock. Life on earth is seriously threatened.
In addition, while most allergies do not endanger life, they can cause a person to live unhealthily or become unhappy. An example is dust allergy. Asia has the world’s highest incidences of asthma, 90% of such cases arises due to dust allergy. The common symptoms of dust allergy include habitual early morning sneezes, running nose, blocked nose, cough, rhinitis, asthma, allergic conjunctivitis and uncommon dermatitis.
The above-mentioned issues constitute factors that threaten the survival of humanity, cause deterioration of health and increase mental stress, leading to unhealthy and unhappy lives.
Business Today
Sathelyne International Group takes aromatherapy a level higher with biotechnology, providing network marketing entrepreneurs a greater opportunity to harness health and wealth.
By M. Govind Nair and Yong Sik Fatt
The therapeutic values of modern biotech aromatherapy, which has developed into a multi-million ringgit global industry, are worth their weight in gold.
This is the essence of the message for potential network marketing entrepreneurs all over the world from Sathelyne International Group Ltd that markets air management products under the brand name Bel'Air and which, through extensive research and tests, has elevated aromatherapy to bio-tech aromatherapy or aroma medication.
"We have reports of stringent tests conducted by reputable laboratories around the world to show that our products can eliminate bacteria," said the company's chairman, Kenneth Huang Shu Li, 45, in an interview with Business Today in Kuala Lumpur.
Speaking in Cantonese through an interpreter, he said everybody - man or woman, young or old - needs to breathe in clean air; therefore the potential for this business is very big indeed.
Huang said that by a conservative estimate, the volume of the aroma medication business could be at least one-third of the drinking water business that encompasses mineral water, filtered water and water filters.
"And this is something that will not become obsolete; it is everlasting," he said.
As a means of indicating the enormity of the business, Huang revealed that for August 2003 the company's turnover was about RM50 million.
Business growth has been tremendous too. In the three years since it launched the Bel'Air business in 2000, Sathelyne International has established itself in 12 countries.
Shiang Series Sdn Bhd handles Sathelyne International's operations in Malaysia.
What is aromatherapy? Basically, it is a method of treating bodily ailments using essential plant oils.
Huang said essential oils been around for thousands of years, their use having been introduced by the Egyptians. Then, these oils lost their importance in history for some time.
In those days, he said, people never did any research on the product. The essential oils then were in pure form. They were mixed with water, the mixture heated and then diffused into the air.
In1897 a French pharmacist combined the therapy of essential oils with his innovative method to produce optimum therapeutic effects of the natural plant extract. He blended the essential oils with a unique formula and diffused the mixture into the air at a finely controlled temperature through a special catalytic burner.
Essential oils started to become popular again in Europe about 50 to 60 years ago. Until very recently, aromatherapy was applied basically for cleaning the air and removing odours.
Today, Huang said, aromatherapy is very closely related to the health of man. In the past, many people had ignored this form of therapy, he said, adding that the time was now right to revive this practice because people will benefit from it.
Huang said human healthcare has become an important issue in recent years, and aroma medication can be a good business to engage in. The business brings to people not only good health but also wealth.
Generally speaking, health is wealth. But for people engaged in the Bel'Air business, health creates wealth. And the wealth keeps growing in the form of residual income.
Sathelyne International is focused on achieving excellence in quality for its products through emphasis on modern scientific research and development.
When the company started its Bel'Air factory in France in 2000, much of the initial work was devoted to research and development.
With a vision to be the world's leading producer and distributor of essential oils for hygienic and healthy air, Sathelyne International has obtained international certifications for its R&D efforts and safety and quality standards.
"We are committed to provide safe and clean air enhanced with healthcare benefits. International endorsement with scientific findings of bacteria elimination is our assurance of quality standard for the Asian, Middle East, US and world markets.
"Our research shows that many herbs are beneficial to human health. We did laboratory tests on the products to determine whether they can really eliminate bacteria and whether they have therapeutic effects," said Huang.
He also said that no other company could boast of such stringent adherence to quality control as Sathelyne International.
"All our oils are organic in nature and benzene-free, thus ensuring safe use by pregnant mothers and children. The catchword is 'safe use" – isn't that of paramount importance when are talking about inhalation?
“We know that with so many countries endorsing our product, it can only mean that we are able to penetrate the world markets. We don't give any hearsay information but show documented proof of safety and effectiveness," he said.
Huang said research, showed that most of the European essential oils, such as rose and lavender, are very mild.
"We also started to collect the different types of common herbs that the people use. One of these is basil, which was recommended by an Indian who told us that this particular herb has been used by Indians to treat certain ailments.
We were told that basil is used in India to treat colds, coughs and asthma. In our tests, we discovered that basil has really got these properties," Huang said.
The researchers also collected a lot of herbs used by people in China. One of the essential oils developed through such research has been named magnolia, which has been found to be good for healing wounds as well as nose and throat infections.
"This particular product is very closely related to our everyday living. People feel very relaxed and comfortable using this. It is like a natural process having the product around us, having a good atmosphere," he said.
Huang said SatheIyne International does not compromise on the quality of its products, hence the focus and investment on the research and development.
In the initial years, almost half of the company’s capital was channelled into research and development.
"Investment is very heavy because we employ a large number of scientists and professors," he said.
Huang said it was difficult to set a figure on the amount spent on the research and development of an essential oil because it was an ongoing process.
"After we have developed an essential oil, it will be left to the scientists and professors for further research on its effectiveness.
"We also test the oil on humans. Blood samples are taken from volunteers who use the product to determine changes in the blood content," he said.
The research and tests are carried out in two laboratories, one in Taiwan and the other in China.
However, there is collaboration between the scientists in Taiwan and their counterparts in Japan and other Asian countries because many of the scientists had studied in Japan and other parts of Asia.
Huang said there was great potential for the aroma medication business because it was not restricted to any segment of the population.
“This product is not only for the sick, it is for normal people to stay healthy or for disease prevention. Of course, people who have health problems and are faced with stress have to use it more," he said.
Huang talked about the adverse effects to health brought on by environmental pollution and lifestyle changes but most importantly he emphasised the poor quality of indoor air.
It is estimated that on average an individual spends 80% of time indoors. The high cost of living and pressure for space have resulted in smaller living areas, with a higher tendency for congestion and poor ventilation.
In an enclosed indoor environment, the living conditions often come with pollutants such as cigarette smoke, dust, fungi and spores, dropping from dust mites, chemicals from photocopy machines and construction materials (glue, paint) and smoke from cooking.
"Sustained exposure to these elements can cause cancer, respiratory ailments such as asthma, hypersensitive rhinitis, hypersensitive dermatitis and deterioration of the immune system," he said.
Huang said these conditions were compounded by the fact that Asians live a less comfortable life than Europeans. This has resulted in more bacteria in the air.
"So, a lot of people tend to like this product more. They find that this product can make them feel better. That is the reason why we did so many laboratory tests on the bacteria-elimination properties of this product, and also on the benefits that this product could give us. Just to show that this product really works," he said.
Huang said the Bel'Air product is effective as a medication because it is backed by documented proof of research and tests and was way above the products that are generally used for cleaning odours and the atmosphere.
"A lot of other brands of similar products will begin to copy and come into the market for a share but whoever who is able to invest heavily in R&D and move the product to a higher level will dominate the market. We make it a point to keep our quality at the highest level in this industry," he said.
Huang discovered that essential oils are closely related to man when he was in the cosmetics business.
About seven to eight years ago, he came to know that air , pollution in this part of the world, particularly Southeast Asia, was getting from bad its worse, and realised that aromatherapy can develop into a big business.
But it was not enough only for him to know the state of the environment to grow such a business. The people had to be educated as well.
When he went into the business (marketing a different brand at that time), he had to initiate programmes to educate the people on why the air was so bad and how air pollution affected the people.
"When we started to tell people about this, many of them asked why they should have to pay for clean and fresh air," he said.
Huang said he faced great difficulty penetrating the market. But he did not give up. He set up promotion counters at department stores and bought advertisements in the media, just to let people know how dirty the air is and how important clean and fresh air is to human.
"People did not believe in what we were saying. In the second year, we discovered that these methods were not good enough. It was then that we began to use network marketing or multi-level marketing (MLM). In MLM, we mobilise people to spread the news to people. We discovered that this was an effective way of educating the general public," he said.
However, MLM did not mean plain sailing. The distributors or members had to be educated too.
"In the beginning we were just using the information that was already there about pollution and so on. But today, after investing heavily in R&D, it is easier because we can show proof that our product can tackle the problem. People have begun to accept the facts," he said.There were other setbacks too.
Essential oils have been inexistence in Europe for more than 100 years and once they started to become popular about 50 to 60 years ago, there was no problem with supply. But in 1999, there was a supply problem because of the enormous demand created through Huang's efforts in Asia.
The popularity of the product and the lack of supply caused many Western medical practitioners to ask whether the benefits were real or just made up.
This and other questions were channelled by the distributors to the headquarters for answers but there was no response and not much R&D was done to verify statements.
It was then that Huang started his own factory in Paris and had his own brand - Bel'Air - in 2000.
"In this way, we could also control our business direction and focus on product research and development. At that time, we enthusiastically promoted aromatherapy.
We now aim to cast aside the simple concept of aromatherapy being just able to purify and deodorise the air.
We want aromatherapy to be in the realms of healthcare. We believe that aromatherapy is not just about making our environment smell better," he said.
Between 2000 and 2003, Sathelyne International concentrated heavily on the research of the product and on getting the product tested in reputable labs.
"Now many people are very satisfied because we have a lot of test reports to show them," he said.
The Bel'Air business is officially established in 12 countries - Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, China, South Korea, Macau and the United States.
Huang said Sathelyne International plans to focus on growing the business to a healthy level in these 12 countries before moving on.
He also said that the company's turnover for August 2003 was RM50 million, adding that this volume was "very insignificant" because the real worth of the aromatherapy industry is "very big".
"What we did in August is only 5% of the real possible business. We estimate that we can penetrate 35% to 40% of the population, the reason being that this business can be one-third of the drinking water business. Drinking water is something that everybody needs.
"This product will penetrate 35% to 40% of the population. The others will not use it or will not believe in it. The figure of 35% to 40% is very huge. We have only done 5% now," he said.
Huang also said that he always believed that aroma medication would be able to dominate 50% of the total aromatherapy market.
"A lot of people now realise that using bio-tech aromatherapy can improve their health."
The product works though a unique feature – the catalytic burner.
The catalytic burner has to be ignited with a flame for two minutes. The burner head will heat up at a range of 60 degrees Celcius to about 300 degrees Celcius. Upon combustion, the phytoncidere (immune system of the plant) will be released, which will fill the air with biochemical compounds beneficial to the human body.
From the energy concept, essential oils are said to be best suited to improve human health from ailment conditions like tiredness, fatigue, allergy, depression, chest congestion, flu, migraine, insomnia, backache, high cholesterol level, diabetes and so on, because the energy vibration of the essential oil is the closest to that of the human cell.
It is said that the benefits are remarkable, as many users notice an improvement in their condition within a few hours. For some it may take a few weeks.
Users are advised to make sure that the surface around the diffuser is wiped dry and the burner head is properly fitted into the diffuser before lighting the catalytic burner. There should be no gap between the burner and the rest of the lamp.
Huang gave the assurance that proper use of the diffuser and catalytic burner posed no danger to users.
"It is just like any kerosene lamp. If you light it up properly, there is no danger at all," he said.
Nevertheless, anticipating the apprehension of potential users, Sathelyne International invested in R&D and has come up with device that will heat the catalytic burner head up to 1,200 degrees Celsius without producing a flame.
The device, which has been patented and will be marketed soon, uses infrared light and electricity, thus eliminating the need for a flame and guaranteeing safety of use, said Huang.
He also said that with such a safe device, the company expects to penetrate deeper into the aromatherapy market as well.
Huang said the device was developed after trials and tests over the past two years. During research, it was found that the catalytic burner head would burst into flames once the temperature reached 500 degrees Celsius.
"We failed many, many times. At the end, through our research, we found that using infrared light, we are able to raise the temperature to 1,200 degrees within two seconds," he said.
He expects the device to be available to Bel'Air distributors by the middle of October 2003. The device does not necessitate changing of the catalytic burner head.
Huang also spoke of another patented product – a burner designed to rest atop the catalytic burner, which is used to heat pure essential oil.
"Don’t think this is a simple common device. This has been developed and patented by us. This can diffuse pure essential oil. Certain oils have to be diffused using this device. This device has been developed for more direct and faster effects.
"When pure essential oil is diffused, it is faster and more direct. About 10 minutes after it is diffused, there will not be any oil left on the head of the burner. The head will not smell of the essential oil. All the oil will be diffused completely into the air. This is to penetrate our body through our lungs and into our blood," he said.
Huang said Sathelyne International is the leader in the aromatherapy product and market business because "we have led aromatherapy into aroma medication and we have also led it into safety of usage".
"These are the two things that most competitors will be unable to emulate."
Huang said there were several reasons why he chose to market the Bel'Air product through network marketing.
Firstly, he said, network marketing facilitated the education of the people on the product and the business.
Secondly, network marketing is a worldwide marketing trend now
Thirdly, the people engaged in network marketing remain united, something that is difficult to achieve in the traditional form of business.
Fourthly, network marketing does not burden distributors in terms of investment. Once the company has established itself in a particular country, the distributors can travel there and do the business without having to be worry about stocks, administration and staff problems.
Huang said Sathelyne International's network marketing business was different from other MLM businesses because there is no consumption of the product - only breathing in, which is done unconsciously.
He also said that the company pays out up to 70% of its retail price as commission to distributors, which is one of the highest in the world.
Owing to the huge percentage of commission payments, several of the distributors are earning almost RM2 million per annum from the business, some are earning RM1 million and many are drawing between RM500,000 and RM800,000.
Huang sees a saturation point of 35% to 40% of the population for the product in developed countries. As for Malaysia, he said the saturation point should be about 25% to 30%.
Today, it is estimated that the company has only penetrated about 1.5% of the market.
"The potential is very, very big," he said.
Sathelyne International has its headquarters in Taiwan but almost all its products are manufactured in France.
"The refill has to be made in France due to the long history and technology that goes with the product. There is a very rare chance of other countries producing a similar product," he said.
Huang did try to source the product from elsewhere but so far nobody is able to produce it.
"If any other country is able to produce it, the quality will be very bad and there is no way we can buy that."
As for the diffusers, up to three to four years ago, all the diffusers were made in France.
"The prices were very high, they were very expensive. In order for us to penetrate the general public, the product has to be very reasonably priced. So, now, we are beginning to have some of the reasonably priced diffusers made in Asia but some of the more difficult models that need French technology are still made in France," he said.
Huang said some of the glass diffusers are being manufactured in Indonesia and that in terms of beauty and quality they are as good as those made in France.
"Those average and low-priced glass diffusers manufactured in Asia are even better than those made in France - these are glass diffusers we are talking about," he said, adding that the company was also looking at China, Taiwan and Malaysia for manufacture of the glass diffusers.
In fact, the company is already sourcing to manufacture in Malaysia.
"We are planning to start a mould here already," he said in reference to the diffuser.
Sathelyne International has come up with 23 types of essential oils.
Huang said: "In the past, we came up with so many types of fragrances to suit everybody. Everybody has preferences."
He said the company had no plans now to add on more fragrances but was doing research on making some of the existing oils more effective as the direction is towards aroma medication.
"I believe that our Bel'Air bio-tech aromatherapy will carry on for the next 10, 100 or even 1,000 years because this is closely related to human health. Other brands may be fashionable products but ours is a necessity."
While Sathelyne International places great importance on the health of users of Bel'Air products, it has used fine artistry to manufacture products that serve as unique collectors' items.
"All Bel'Air products are masterpieces from France's top artisans, made with the best raw materials from reputable suppliers," said Huang who himself has exquisite tastes where Bel'Air diffusers are concerned.
One of these rare collectors' items is in the shape of the pyramid, hand-made from porcelain with an engraved crystal diffuser within. Only four of these pyramids have been produced, and two are owned by Malaysians. Each pyramid costs RM7,500.
It gives satisfaction to Huang to know that Bel'Air distributors are enjoying the good life, with good health and wealth.
His aspiration is to help all distributors to develop their careers and achieve their personal goals and enjoy financial freedom.
Huang lives in Taiwan with wife, Linda, and their daughter. Born in Cambodia, he moved to Hong Kong with his parents when he was 10 years old. Educated in Hong Kong, Huang is the sixth of seven siblings, many of whom are in business.
After getting into the MLM business, Huang said, he learnt a lot about people, especially people's personality and behaviour. He has learnt the good things about people and come across their bad traits. He has made it a point to acquire the good points.
Huang has spent much time on his business. Two years ago, he used to spend about 80% of his time on the business. Now that the business has matured, he spends about 60% of his time on it.
The other 40% of the time is spent on thinking of ways to improve the business.
He does not believe that one has to spend 100% of one's time on the business for it to be successful. "We should spend some time to think about the things that we do, whether they are right or wrong," he said.
Huang still gives talks to and trains distributors. He said he did not want to distance himself from his distributors. Furthermore, there is always new information on the business and products that he has to pass on.
As a caring individual, Huang has made generous donations in the name of charity to organisations in the countries where Sathelyne International has established the Bel'Air business.
Huang said that the market is ready for an environment friendly solution to the air pollution problem and that people are beginning to realise that clean air is no longer free.
"Polluted air is not an option acceptable anymore," he added.
Acknowledging that competition is not an issue to be sneezed at, Huang said Sathelyne International is set to rule the skies for exponential growth of the air management market worldwide.
"Our emphasis on R&D will ensure that we will be No. 1 in the essential oils markets as we have evolved from being just a scent company to health and medicare.
"Even if competition comes into the market, we will prevail because of our pioneering efforts into uncharted waters to bring the use of essential oils into prominence with safety and efficacy," he said.
"What a great future lies ahead of us!" he said as a means of conveying a significant message to all Bel'Air network marketers.
A network marketer is often likened to a butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world, and creating a wave that eventually turns into a hurricane halfway around the globe.
Sathelyne International has begun to flap its wings, creating a wave of biotech aromatherapy that is set to take the world by storm.
Adapted from the Cover Story of Business Today, October 2003 issue
(photographs and captions courtesy of Business Today)
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Huang believes in and practises leadership by example: he is approachable and conducts leadership training personally to pass down his philosophies, beliefs and techniques for success. Success formula in life: Be passionate in what you do…
Strategies for Business Success in the 21st Century:
- Be at the forefront with a differentiating edge
- Get involved in lasting businesses such as wellness and environmental protection.
- Adopt more resilient business approach such as network marketing.
TII: Can you tell us something about yourself and your background?
Mr. Huang: I was born in Cambodia and spent many years in Hong Kong. Now residing in Taiwan, I am happily married with Linda and we have a lovely daughter.
My academic and working basics are in economics and business. I am honored to have received an honorary Doctorate Degree in Economics from the International Graduate College.
Presently, I am the CEO of Sathelyne International Co. Ltd specialising in Bio-tech Aromatherapy and operating under the brand name “Bel’Air”, which means beautiful air in French.
I am also serving as the Honorary Chairman of the Executive Committee for the Aromatherapy Association of Taiwan.
TII: What experience or encounter in your life has influenced you the most?
Mr. Huang: I have experienced serious financial challenges in traditional business due to the effect of general economic downturn.
The impact of change in the general economic environment can have such a great impact that the entire business empire can be wiped out.
For example, some years ago when the Taiwan government initiated the reduction in the use of plastic as part of environment conservation policy, many plastic companies were closed down.
The recent outbreak of SARS has also put many businesses on the verge of closure, especially airline and tour companies. However, if we were to look at network marketing businesses, the corresponding effect is minimal.
My early lessons on the risk of conventional (traditional) business, which prompted me to move into network marketing, have a profound impact on my present achievement.
TII: What are the highlights of your professional life?
Mr. Huang: I have been in business for 20 years with many ups and downs. I have experienced setbacks and turbulences that are beyond my control. However, in the last 8 years in aromatherapy business, I have made tremendous breakthroughs and I am glad to be honored with various awards: -
- R.O.C. Gold Award
- The first excellent enterprise award
- Taiwan’s first award for outstanding entrepreneur in 1998
- Asia Pacific centurion gold award
- The first industry and commerce outstanding model (extraordinary figure) award.
- The royal international peace award by Japan Culture Promotion Association - grand prize
- C.P.I.T. R.O.C. award
TII: What is your personal and professional focus?
Mr. Huang: My focus is in helping people to be successful. I have built a successful business empire, Sathelyne International Co. Ltd., which deals with Bio-tech Aromatherapy (healthcare) via network marketing to help people gain better health with "natural therapy" and provide distributors with a highly rewarding networking business.
TII: What is your philosophy and definition of success?
Mr. Huang: Success is not only based on our own perception but must also be judged from the recognition of other people. That is, you must be recognised as being successful.
With this philosophy, we will not be easily contented and get too proud. In other words, we will not be carried away by just a little result, which may prevent a person from innovating and progressing.
Truly successful people are visionaries, possess global view and self-awareness. When a target is achieved, he/she is able to accept sincere feedback from others, like a true champion.
TII: How do you achieve success?
Mr. Huang: The most important thing is to help people succeed, and then our own success will come about!
Especially in network marketing business, it is impossible to succeed by operating as a super individual. It applies to everyone within the organisation. I respect the effort and sacrifice of every member and I am willing to give everything I can to help them succeed.
Sincerity and tolerance are the attributes that we must possess in order that every member will whole-heartedly devote themselves to the company and progress towards our vision. There is teamwork and we enjoy team success where everyone benefits.
TII: What failure, if any, have you encountered so far and what are some of the lessons that you have learnt from them?
Mr. Huang: In life, there will be setbacks and challenges. Setbacks are not necessarily failures. I have never experienced failure. This is because I can overcome challenges and setbacks, that’s why I have not failed.
Each time I overcome a setback, I become stronger and tougher, moving closer towards success! When I faced critical setbacks in operating conventional business, I ventured into network marketing.
Similary, in network marketing, we face challenges. For example, in 2000 when Sathelyne International Co. Ltd. ( Bel’Air ) made the strategic move towards production and marketing, there were strong objections from those who were too concerned about immediate benefits.
The company faced a major challenge from the split opinions of its own members. However, as the CEO, I did not give up on the Company’s strategy and plan for long-term growth.
Conversely, I am even more focused in making it a reality by establishing a joint-venture with C.L.I.P in France to manufacture essential oils for aromatherapy. It proved to be the correct decision now that we have established ourselves as a premier force in the field of aromatherapy, with production and marketing as one wining business strategy.
TII: Please share with us your personal motto.
Mr. Huang: “Helping others achieve success is the only way to find our own happiness”. Network marketing emphasises on team spirit and teamwork, not individual capability or knowledge, to achieve success. My above motto is the most important spirit for network marketers.
Network marketing is about helping others succeed and consequently achieving multiple growth and total success in the business.
TII: How do you keep so fit and young?
Mr. Huang: Have a positive and proactive life philosophy! Adopt proactivity towards any issue. Do not frequently be worried and put up a sour face, which will affect our health.
In life, there is nothing that cannot be solved. The important difference is how you take it and how you face it. This is a major aspect of health.
In facing problems, adopt a positive approach; then there will not be too much pressure on your body and mind, which will enable you to stay healthy.
Of course, a healthy lifestyle is necessary for best overall health: take nutritious food, exercise regulary, enjoy your passion. I give myself the best environment and nutrients for health, through Bel’Air's Bio-tech Aromatherapy.
Tll: Can you tell us how you establish your business empire?
Mr. Huang: I ventured into the field of beauty products many years ago and managed to build a sizeable business amidst severe competition. However, what I am looking for is a business that can provide me with a differentiating edge. The business with the most potential is one that is pioneer, with unique products, effective marketing strategy and a clear vision. Only then can one achieve outstanding results as a market leader.
To be a lasting business, you then have to continually improve and innovate to stay at the forefront.
Eight years ago, I quit the beauty product business to venture into the virtually untapped, yet long-existent aromatherapy market. My vision is to innovate and set the pace as the market leader as we progress into the next era of aromatherapy.
I started Sathelyne International Co. Ltd., with the Bel’Air brand name. My strategy is to capitalise on the huge air management market, using the network marketing approach which is of unlimited potential.
The Bel’Air business grew tremendously within a span of a few years and established itself as the market leader. At the same time, the aromatherapy business is undergoing tremendous changes with increased competition and ever increasing customer expectations. I understand the need to innovate if we are to stay ahead as the market leader.
Towards this end, we have been continuously improving the technology and quality of the catalytic burner. In 2000, we initiated a strategic partnership with Taiwan’s government medical institutions, such as National Yang Ming University, in order to realise the concept of “aroma healthcare” via various scientific experiments.
In 2001, Bel’Air further established cooperation with bio-tech companies and the association of Taiwan Aromatics. Our research and development bore fruits with the production of first bio-tech essential oils such as bamboo and magnolia.
Via clinical experiment data, Bel’Air has also embarked on quantum medicine and ascertained for itself its ultimate developmental goal of “bio-tech aromatherapy”.
TII: Why did you venture into your present business?
Mr. Huang: The air management business is borderless and a necessity for every one irrespective of age and gender. Businesses concerning health and environment protection have huge markets and it is my vision to build a lasting global business using the network marketing approach.
TII: As a successful entrepreneur, people feel that you are very down-to-earth. What is your philosophy and comment?
Mr. Huang: We must learn about inter-personal skills and build teamwork so as to bring out the best from each team. A team builder (leader) has to understand each team member well. In order to be able to do so, as a leader, you have to be approachable and able to interact well with people, so as to grasp what each and every team member wants and his/her reason for entering the business.
TII: What do you love most about your business?
Mr. Huang: I view my career as everything in my life and I have great passion towards it. To me, career is a life challenge, a test from God to make us grow.
I enjoy taking calculated risks in business and implement strategies based on my logical judgment. Each breakthrough gives me a sense of achievement and fulfilment. I am passionate about it as it makes us grow and create wealth for all. Hence, career is the source of my vitality and I love this career with all I have.
Tll: As the Chairman of the company, why do you have to be involved personally in training?
Mr Huang: I believe in having depth in life. With depth, we can educate downlines and subordinates. A company cannot be always depending on external trainers, as they may not fully understand the company’s philosophy and culture and are hence not able to communicate effectively.
The CEO of the company understands the company best. As such, it is only correct to personally pass down the depth and experiences of this career! This will ensure creation of a true Bel’Air culture that I wish to see.
Tll: Why do you emphasise so much on education and continuous learning?
Mr Huang: To excel in business, we must continuously learn and educate our people to enhance core competencies and competitive advantages.
Education is the lifeline of network marketing. Having distributors without proper education is like roaming around without aim and direction. There will be no systematic team operations.
Therefore, I am very particular about my own learning and coaching of others within the organisation. I expect all leaders to lead by example. In this way, we are communicating and developing the desired company culture and the appropriate marketing approach for distributors.
With this top-down education system, we have developed a marketing team with positive core values.
However, in the education process, there will be certain members who will have negative learning attitudes due to old paradigms and wrong concepts. Our advice to them is to forget the past, face the present and plan for the future. In this way, we will be able to learn, unlearn and relearn.
Tll: What is your vision of the Wellness Industry?
Mr Huang: Wellness or health is something that human beings are constantly seeking for. As such, the wellness industry is an evergreen industry.
Many people put health before everything else. Without health, all other forms of wealth are useless. Healthcare business is still going to be a major trend for future network marketing and aromatherapy is going to play a vital role in this arena in the years to come.
Tll: What is your vision of aromatherapy?
Mr Huang: Aromatherapy is going to be the ultimate and best natural therapy for human beings. The benefits that natural healing provides for the human body are limitless and incomparable. This was what originally motivated me to bring aromatherapy from Europe to Asia. Back then, I saw that environmental pollution was worsening by the day and people’s health was continuously threatened by detrimental air quality. Hence, aromatherapy would be a necessity for humankind and it would definitely create a trend in the market. Indeed, eight years later, aromatherapy has become widely accepted in Asia. Although the mystery surrounding aromatherapy has been unveiled, we still take it as our ultimate goal to search for the various health benefits that aromatherapy can provide. Using bio-tech aromatherapy as a natural therapy for healing yields the best results as it is effective and devoid of side-effects.
It will definitely play a major role in healthcare in the years to come.
Tll: Why are you so confident of the future of Bel’Air?
Mr Huang: Aromatherapy is becoming an essential part of life. Bel’Air is the leader which does intensive research and development to uncover the medical value of aromatherapy. It is the only company that has evolved from conventional aromatherapy and succeeded in the field of bio-tech aromatherapy with its clinical studies.
Traditional aromatherapy with its basic functions like removing odor and relieving stress will not be able to meet the increasing healthcare needs.
Therefore, as a leader in the field, coupled with strong research and development and innovative products, Bel’Air is confident of our future development.