Monday, October 8, 2007

Tips for Network Marketing and MLM Success

Many people have bad view of the Network Marketing Business. Give yourself a chance. Network Marketing, according to Robert Kiyosaki, is The Perfect Business.

What are the Tips For Network Marketing and MLM Success?

Do your due diligence, choose your company wisely. Check the network's company rating with "The Better Business Bureau" and find out how long it had been operating and how much products has it sold within its years while in the industry.

Speak to the leaders and people in the lower ranks to get a feel of the business and if there are a lot of negativity then you got to think twice before joining. Please understand there is no perfect company and there are bound to be some negativity especially from those who are not getting good results and usually it is because they didn't really put in enough effort to build the business!

  • You must choose a product that you are enthusiastic about. Understand the benefits of the product and use it so that you can truly endorse it for others to use. You got to be your own best customer.
  • You must understand the compensation plan. Learn how much commission you can earn from your sales and what you need to do to receive your initial commissions.
  • You must have good training and support. Most MLM companies provide good training and support . Be willing to invest in training and support materials to grow your business. Learn as much as possible and ask questions. Attend training as often as possible and ask the experienced leaders to share how they became successful! To be successful, copy what the successful leaders are doing!
  • You must be teachable and willing to commit time, money and effort to learn from those who are successful. You must help the people you bring into the business to be successful because their success is your success. This is why this business model is so powerful it is based on win-win. There are many people who are willing to help you be successful.
  • Look for good leaders who will support you, do not make your upline an issue, this is your business and if you cannot get the support from your sponsor, work further up with your leaders because there is always an active leader up the line who is willing to support you!.
  • Help your organization to be successful. This business is about building lifetime friendship. The first 90 days is critical to your success, you must follow up closely on those who are new to the business and constantly give them training, support and encouragement.until they have achieved a certain level of success.
  • You must duplicate yourself. MLM or network marketing is a business of duplication. Do the right things and your organization will grow, expand and prosper!

    This business is about working smart, leveraging and building a great team. A great team may take one to two years to build and that is why you must have the patience to give your business one to two years to grow. Don't have the get-rich-quick mentality that has gotten many people into money games that encourage you to invest substantial amount of money or even small amount of money with big promises of lots of money with little effort from you!

    You must waterproof your people from negative thoughts and sharkproof them from "sharks" who promise people the moon and leave them in the mud! That is why it is very important you ensure your people attend training as many times as possible.
  • You must leverage on the Internet. More and more people are using the internet to promote their business. Learn to set up a simple website and how to capture leads with an autoresponder. Your leaders will help you to set up a simple system to capture leads.
  • You must give yourself at least one year to see good results and again, this will depend a lot on your commitment of time, money and effort to make it happen. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the cause of it all?"
  • Many businesses start with a capital ranging from $50,000 to $500,000 and takes two to three years to break even – to recover their initial capital - which means they haven't made a cent yet! In MLM or network marketing, you can start with about $500 and you can break even in one to two months and start making money in your third month!

Top leaders will usually work hard for three to five years to build a strong organization before they take things easy because you must keep the momentum and build the business to the extent where it will take a life of its own with strong leaders building the business whether you are there or not!

MLM or Network Marketing is a wonderful business based on universal laws and you must work with these universal laws such as The Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Averages, The Law of Multiplication, The Law of Gratitude and The Law of Multiplication. These universal laws will always ensure your success.

If you are not happy where you are today and you want to work smart and leverage your time and effort to create a lifetime residual income, you must do yourself justice by taking a good look at the MLM or network marketing opportunity your friend is offering you.

Everything happens for a reason and there is a saying: "When a student is ready, a teacher will appear."

I leave with you a powerful quotation by Elbert Hubbard, an entrepreneur, philosopher and author, "Don’t sit in the meadow and expect the cow to back up and be milked, go after the cow!" Just do it! MLM or Network Marketing can certainly help you achieve your dreams!

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Luck Factor ...

Ten years ago, I set out to examine luck. I wanted to know why some people are always in the right place at the right time, while others consistently experience ill fortune.

I placed advertisements in national newspapers asking for people who felt consistently lucky or unlucky to contact me. Hundreds of extraordinary men and women volunteered for my research and, over the years, I have interviewed them, monitored their lives and had them take part in experiments.

The results reveal that although these people have almost no insight into the causes of their luck, their thoughts and behavior are responsible for much of their good and bad fortune.

Take the case of seemingly chance opportunities. Lucky people consistently encounter such opportunities, whereas unlucky people do not.

I carried out a simple experiment to discover whether this was due to differences in their ability to spot such opportunities. I gave both lucky and unlucky people a newspaper, and asked them to look through it and tell me how many photographs were inside.I had secretly placed a large message halfway through the newspaper saying: "Tell the experimenter you have seen this and win $250." This message took up half of the page and was written in type that was more than two inches high.

It was staring everyone straight in the face, but the unlucky people tended to miss it and the lucky people tended to spot it. Unlucky people are generally tenser than lucky people, and this anxiety disrupts their ability to notice the unexpected. As a result, they miss opportunities because they are too focused on looking for something else.

They go to parties intent on finding their perfect partner and so miss opportunities to make good friends. They look through newspapers determined to find certain types of job advertisements and miss other types of jobs.

Lucky people are more relaxed and open, and therefore see what is there rather than just what they are looking for. My research eventually revealed that lucky people generate good fortune via four principles.They are skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunities, make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition, create self-fulfilling prophesies via positive expectations, and adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good.

Towards the end of the work, I wondered whether these principles could be used to create good luck. I asked a group of volunteers to spend a month carrying out exercises designed to help them think and behave like
a lucky person.

These exercises helped them spot chance opportunities, listen to their intuition, and expect to be lucky, and be more resilient to bad luck.

One month later, the volunteers returned and described what had happened.

The results were dramatic: 80% of people were now happier, more satisfied with their lives and, perhaps most important of all, luckier. The lucky people had become even luckier and the unlucky had become lucky.

Finally, I had found the elusive "luck factor".

Here are Professor Wise man's four top tips for becoming lucky:

  • Listen to your gut instinct -they are normally right.
  • Be open to new experiences and breaking your normal routine.
  • Spend a few moments each day remembering things that went well.
  • Visualize yourself being lucky before an important meeting or telephone call.

Luck is very often a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Developing Your Talents To Yield Results

Achieving a high level of success is something many people aspire to do. Most people naturally have the desire to achieve a high level of success in all areas of their lives. Some of these areas include relationships, work, sports; etc. To achieve success in any of them however, a few key components such as discipline, hard work and persistence must be present.

When it comes to your career or how you choose to make your living, many people aren't exactly sure what road they want to take. Simply put, they don't know what they want to do with them selves. I approach this problem with one premise. Develop your talents and natural abilities.

Those that achieve high levels of success are usually doing what they are naturally good at or have "knack" for. Congruent to that, is the fact that these same people work extremely hard but their work is a "labor of love" so they don't even really view it as work. The work that they perform consists really of them developing and improving these talents to reach their maximum potential.

Take professional baseball players for example. For most of them, baseball either came fairly easy to them or they loved playing so much that they played consistently and eventually developed a great ability. Either way, a professional baseball player is an expert in his field and he loves what he does. I've never heard of a successful pro-ball player complain about his job.

I believe that every single person is either given some God-given talent or possesses certain traits or abilities that are unique to them that they can use to develop and improve talent. With that talent, they can then create a certain advantageous platform for them to expand upon.

The first step in this process is to take a minute and think about your hobbies. Think about the activities or events that you seem to participate in and the actions that you seem to perform the most frequently for sheer enjoyment purposes. Write them down on a piece of paper. After doing so, take a good look at each one and think about what it is exactly about each one that seems to bring forth enjoyment to you or why you find it entertaining.

Perhaps you love listening to music and deep down inside you have desire to create your own music so that you can provide that level of enjoyment to someone else just as someone has done for your or at least share it with them. Or maybe you are a sports fanatic and beneath it all, you admire that strategic planning among the opposing teams or the burning desire to achieve victory.

What ever your reasons for enjoying or being entertained by certain aspects of life, I'm sure that buried deep inside of you, are qualities and or abilities that relate to those aspects (which is why you identify or admire them so much) that you can harness and then develop to their maximum potential to position yourself to be successful. How you can market them is another process but before that, you must identify them.

Now even if you believe that these abilities do not exist within you, don't worry. You can develop them from nothing. That's right, you can develop them from nothing and the process is fairly simple. The fact that your even reading this article tells me that within you is the desire to improve some aspect of your life and to ultimately become a success. The key now is feed the desire with what you already have or what you can transform pretty easily.

People usually spend a lot of their time doing things they enjoy. When you spend a lot of time doing something, you tend to become better at it. So here's the key, if you can identify what it is about your hobbies that you enjoy so much and apply that component to something productive that can yield a result (like extra income for example)you can be on your way to achieving success. Talent develops similar to the way compound interests works with a savings plan. Each time you improve 1 element of talent you become more confident and that alone will multiply your abilities exponentially.

When you couple this process with modeling other successful people, the results can be tremendous. Before you can model others and strategically plan how you will market or sell your abilities, talents or services, you must first identify them. The exercise described above is a great start.

To help you further, I invite you to visit my website and stay there a while... - Steve G. Jones

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Secrets of Elite Marketers package

I have super gift for you today.

Over 120+ Hours of MP3 audio files featuring today's most successful & well-known Internet Marketers …

This is your BIG chance to leave those who are scratching their heads wondering why their online money-making attempts aren't working behind and INSTANTLY join a select group of marketers who are consistently earning BIG MONEY online!

The special audio files wchich are available for free in Private Members' Area can make all of the difference.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Why Some People Almost Always Make Money Online...

Sunday, August 5, 2007
From The Offices of Michalis "BIG Mike" Kotzakolios & Diego Hernando

Listen, we're not going to lie to you and tell you this is some big secret industry. You've seen it, you've participated in it, and we would bet our own houses that you know (or at least know OF) someone who has paid thousands of dollars into it - if you haven't done that yourself.

Until now, this opportunity has been "hidden in plain sight". In fact, you might even be driving past one of these million dollar businesses on your way to work every day.

And not in some big, unmarked building, either. These businesses have advertising & marketing all over them. You can't drive within a block of one of these places without seeing or hearing SOMETHING about the business.

These guys are everywhere!

Every year, they quietly rake in millions of dollars in revenue, and their customers thank them for the privilege. The average value of a customer at some of these places is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and a large percentage of those customers are actively purchasing more and more over a period of three years - or even longer.

And what's even STRANGER about these businesses? Most customers actually FRAME their receipts, and hang them on the wall!

Okay, so at this point, either you know EXACTLY what we're talking about, or you think you've just found evidence that we are truly insane. In either case, good for you - you've just stumbled upon a big secret!

The Billion Dollar "Public Service"

So, for those of you who think we're insane, we have to tell you what it is we're talking about. After all, what business would have customers SO loyal, that they brag to their friends about it, and hang their receipts on the wall?

Well, let us tell you... Universities and Colleges.

The "Aha!" Moment

Now you see it! Every year, people spend thousands of dollars on education. And when they finally graduate, hundreds of thousands of dollars and several years later, they're proud to be customers. They brag to their friends, write it on their resumes, and hang their receipts (otherwise known as diplomas) on the wall.

But it hasn't always been easy to get into this game...

50 years ago, the only way to get a piece of the educational pie was to spend millions of dollars opening up a physical campus. Paying staff professors & instructors, building libraries, funding sports teams... It was a HUGE endeavor, requiring MILLIONS in capital.

But then, the industry changed...

All of a sudden, a few entrepreneurs had an idea - to create a fully accredited university or college, and deliver courses by MAIL.

It changed the educational landscape forever. All of a sudden, you could learn how to do almost anything - from becoming a locksmith to keeping the books - from the comfort of your kitchen table.

Now, this still required a fairly substantial amount of money to do - but not nearly as much as a physical university campus. Professors could work on contract, from their homes, grading papers that came in the mail. Course creators could write books and send them off to their students, instead of giving long lectures. Physical buildings were limited to a few phone staff, and the executives running the company.

Education became accessible to everyone.

By reducing the operating costs, these schools were able to reduce tuition - and almost anyone could finally afford to get a professional certification.

The big players in the industry quickly became multi-million dollar organizations. Their reach spanned the globe - from North America, to Europe, to Asia. Students around the world were getting their education at home - and paying for the privilege.

We've all seen the commercials - with the long scrolling list of every job you can get after studying the courses from these companies. How much money do you think they have to make to advertise on prime time television like that? Millions - easily.

But the landscape has changed again!

Universities were the first ones to utilize the internet... And now, they're using it to create multi-billion dollar businesses - online.

When online universities and colleges first started popping up, the big universities got scared - they started putting down any degree earned by an online university, and propagating the stories of online "diploma mills" to reduce the value of these certifications.

Still, companies like the University of Phoenix started creating complete programs, delivered via the internet - and they were starting to take over the educational scene.

Trust in these companies grew, and now a certification or diploma from many online universities means as much - if not more - than one from your local community college or technical school.

The cost to setup one of these operations became minimal, at best. Create course materials, install the script, pay for hosting, and get the word out. Accreditation and marketing became the biggest expenses. Some of these companies grew into the multi-billion dollar range within just a few years.

Big names started to catch on.

The universities panicked again, and started offering online courses (a little to late, but they are there...) Big companies like Microsoft started offering their own online certifications. Organizations like BrainBench offered employee certification to Fortune500 companies - and got millions for it. Even "The Donald" started his own online school. Ever heard of "Trump University"?

The barriers to entry were gone. Accreditation was no longer required by students - they just wanted to learn. All of a sudden, anyone could create "the ultimate info product" - and sell it for hundreds of dollars more than before.

But there was still one big problem...

The development. Not course material development, but the creation and management of course delivery. Many of these big places had entire teams of programmers, working long, hard, expensive hours to create course delivery systems.

Others chose free or inexpensive script packages, but ended up spending thousands more on customization and expansion - trying to keep up with the number of students, and the number of script bugs.

Education was still an expensive proposition.

How many of you could afford entire website development teams - even if you WANTED to hire them??

An info-product creators dream.

We saw this problem, and we set out to solve it. After all, home study courses are the ultimate info product - and, creating them should be within the reach of info product marketers!

It wasn't easy, though. It took months of development, and tens of thousands of dollars... First, we had to figure out what it was that you really needed. And THEN, we had to create it!

But finally, its finished - and its ready for you.

Introducing, EZ Lesson Manager!

This product was created with one goal in mind - to make course creation and delivery easier for people just like you!

Friday, August 3, 2007

How Hypnosis Turns Restlessness and Sleeplessness into Serenity and Tranquility?

We all have those nights where falling asleep can be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. Of course, sleeplessness is hard to determine the exact cause as it frequents people depending on what's going on in a person's life such as depression, stress, sickness, restlessness, being too hot or too cold.

No one really knows exactly why we need sleep, but studies show that sleep is as essential as food: it enables us to function and nourishes us so we can perform various tasks. Most people know this, and will frequently turn to sleeping pills so as to induce the kind of sleep that's needed.

But instead of finding a solution through contrived means that really doesn't address the issue, you might consider hypnosis -- a far more effective method -- a solution that cuts to the heart of the problem. Not only does hypnosis put you in a relaxed state of mind, which is the very essence of what hypnosis is, but hypnosis sessions discover why you're not sleeping, and retrain your brain to not "try and fall asleep," but to fall asleep as naturally as you once did.

Sleeplessness, or insomnia, is a very common thing in the United States. There are many symptoms, including sluggishness during the day time, waking up frequently during the night or waking up and not being able to fall back asleep.

Four years ago, the National Sleep Association did a sweeping poll across the country to see just how big of a problem sleeplessness was, labeling the study "Sleep in America." Perhaps it's not surprising, but the results showed that nearly 75 percent of the respondents said they exhibited at least some or all symptoms of insomnia for a few days or several weeks, and 35 percent said they experienced one of the symptoms, every night, for over a year!

The problem with insomnia is that it perpetuates itself. Once we recognize we can't fall asleep, we focus on the fact that we can't fall asleep, virtually eliminating any possibility of relaxing our brain because our brain is focused on that one very frustrating fact. Everything in our life subsequently suffers: our work and school performance, our relationships, our physical health (it's not a coincidence that an increased amount of sleep helps cure colds and flu bugs) and our moods.

Hypnosis changes all that. Hypnotherapy sessions help you to relax your body physically, and most especially, mentally. Hypnosis also teaches you methods that help eliminate negative thoughts when they arise and hones in on what's caused the problem in the first place. Sometimes the reason for insomnia stems from obvious reasons like stress at work or at home, but other times it can be something that you never dreamed would be the cause (pardon the pun).

Once your natural sleep cycle has been disrupted, for whatever reason, it's very difficult to get it back to the way it was without some form outside supplement such as sleeping pills. But you can't rely on sleeping pills for the rest of your life. Not only does it mask the problem, it's unhealthy and is dangerously addictive.

Hypnosis releases you from the shackles of insomnia and the self-defeating negative thoughts that perpetuate it. Knowledge is power. Hypnosis provides you with the knowledge that can make you a falling asleep expert.

Would YOU like my help with making a powerful change in 2007 and living the life you deserve right NOW? I have dedicated my life to developing hypnosis products and services which remind you of the passion and determination you naturally have to move forward with your goals quickly and easily. I invite you to visit this website and take a look.

There, you will see the result of my life's work- a powerful line-up of over 120 professionally recorded hypnosis CD's and mp3's used by amazing people like yourself worldwide. I want you to be successful. Take your life to the next level!

Until next time,

Live in Abundant Possibility!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fantastic free hypnosis audio-program

I recently discovered an excellent 2 Hour audio program called, "AN INTRODUCTION TO HYPNOSIS" by Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist.

This product is worth $49.95 but Steve is allowing you to download it for FREE because you were introduced to it from me.

Download it from here!

AOL Here

Steve has been practicing clinical hypnotherapy for over 17 years and this audio book is a very clear and concise introduction to the fundamentals of hypnosis.

So if you are curious about hypnosis I highly recommend you download this audio book now while it's still available for FREE!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A surefire way to manage your fears

I trust you've found yourself feeling better in all kinds of certain ways since you have been listening to the Hypnosis Audios haven't you?

I think you will enjoy this little article I wrote which so far has proven to be one of the most popular!


"A Surefire Way To Manage Your Fears While Leading A Happier, Healthier Life"


Imagine discovering a way to get rid of your fears in a quick and painless manner. In fact it can even become fun!

Did you know only two of all the fears you have are innate:

The fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Most of your fears were learned in early childhood and then in later life under stressful conditions.

Traditional therapeutic approaches would probably have you trying to figure out where your fear originally came from. Maybe they'd have you digging around in your childhood memories, recalling times you ate the next-door neighbours purple Tulips. This type of approach tends to associate the client into reliving unpleasantness and can take a long time to achieve useful results. Personally I think this style is way out of date and bordering on torture.

You'll probably be glad to know we're not going to be doing anything like that. The truth is you can easily and quickly undo the learnings that created specific fears and change your responses to something much more useful.

So just how do fearful feelings occur then? Well lets use a common example: Fred wants a raise and he's been wanting to ask his boss for months. Finally he decides to go and ask. BUT when he starts the walk down the corridor he starts to feel certain sensations in his body. Weird stomach feelings. His breathing is constricted. Slight sweating on parts of his body. His vision is effected. Fred decides to turn back and then sits down feeling slightly annoyed with himself.

His body started producing 'fear chemicals.' What happened?

"Well it was because he defied his Dad one time when he was four. Let's explore those forgotten memories...."

NO! NO! NO! Let's do something much smarter and definitely more fun.

Hey Fred come over here I want to show you something really cool! O' come on, pick your lip up.

You know how before you got up to go and ask the boss for a raise, you felt OK right? So between the time you got up and started walking something happened. Something triggered those feelings in you. Here's a fact for you: You either made a picture in your head or talked to yourself in a way that created those fearful sensations and that happened at an unconscious level out of your awareness.

"OK Colin that might be true but so what, what's your point?"

Well the point is by changing the internal sounds, pictures and voices in your head you can begin to gain control of your emotions.

"Fair enough but how can I do that so when I'm in a similar situation I automatically make useful pictures, sounds and voices in my head so I remain in a resourceful state?"

Good question, here's just one way you can achieve the results you want using a simple and powerful tool from the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

=== Soothing Movie Music ===
  • Think of a situation where you feel fear.
  • Dissociate: See yourself in the situation like you would a movie with you in it.
  • Imagine running the memory from the END of the fearful situation, BACKWARDS to the START. Do this very fast in less then 1 second!
  • Think of some music that makes you feel the opposite of fear. For example soothing classical music makes you feel relaxed. Perhaps certain rock or dance music makes you feel energised/courageous etc.
  • Now hear the music, nice and loud, inside your mind whilst looking at yourself going through the situation from START to END.
  • Break state. Now think of the situation you choose in Step 1 and notice how your fearful feelings have diminished.
  • What will you see or hear just before you want this new feeling to set in?

And if you want to make more amazing changes right now, why not go and purchase 'The NLP Toolbox' which includes powerful mind-programming tools such as:

"The Magic Iris" (Page 20)
"The Personal Power Swish" (Page 26)
"The Fear Reversal Procedure" (Page 37)
"The Unwanted Behaviour Eliminator" (Page 82)
"The Belief Dissolver" (Page 71)

And much, much more...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A simple NLP tool to make a rapid change!

Today I just wanted to show you an amazingly quick way to change those irritating internal voices that we all sometimes suffer with!

These voices are usually well-meaning and have a positive intention behind them. It's just that what they say and the way they say it doesn't sit with us very comfortably.

And when we hear those particular internal voices they kind of Hypnotise us into slightly un-useful states!

So wouldn't you love to discover a simple way to change them?!

Yes, great! Here is a simple tool from NLP that you can use:

  • Identify an internal voice that sometimes appears that makes you feel unresourceful. (eg a critical voice: often a parent or teachers voice.)
  • Simply notice what it says. Notice the tonality used, volume and the tempo. Where is located? In front of you, behind you, left, right?
  • And now experiment with speeding the voice up. And slowing it down. Try changing the location, volume and tonality. Which variations decrease your negative response
    to it?
  • Well done. Now what would your response be if you were to imagine that the voice was spoken in a really slow, sexy, 'bedroomed' voice?! Or how about giving it a funny cartoon voice? Porky pig?
  • Try it! It can even become funny to listen to!
  • Next imagine a situation in the future where the original critical voice you selected in step 1 would likely appear. In that situation what would be the first thing you saw or heard that would let you know that critical voice was about to speak?

    Now imagine as if you were there seeing through your own eyes AND hear that internal voice with the changes you made in steps 3,4!
  • That is much more fun, right! With step 6 you've programmed that change into you unconscious. So look forward to a more pleasant future!

I hope you find the above NLP tool useful. There are many amazing things you can do with NLP to make your life more pleasurable. If you haven't already I suggest you grab my free NLP course which you can get from here.

P.S. And be sure to listen again to your Hypnosis Audio, todayand every day, for at least 14 days because that is theMaster Hypnotists recommended way to get the best resultsfrom Hypnosis Audios. And I'm sure you, like me, want theBEST results don't you?!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

MLM: The Power of a Great System

There are good MLM Opportunities and there are great MLM Opportunities Most Opportunities have ground breaking products. Most have great compensation plans. So there are typically two components that determine whether an MLM is good or great. They are the systems they use and the price entry point for the Opportunity.

The Price Entry Point

For an MLM opportunity to be attractive to the masses it needs to have an affordable and acceptable price entry point. This needs to be something that the average consumer can easily afford on a month by month basis. If the entry point is hundreds of dollars every month and you need to keep this as an autoship to remain in the system then it is unlikely you will be able to attract a significant number of people to your opportunity regardless of how good the products are.

You may be able to recruit them without too much trouble but if they don’t see fast results ( and they normally wouldn’t with a high price entry point ) it will be a hard sell to convince them to maintain their autoship on a monthly basis when they aren’t making a profit. The other point here is that your MLM Opportunity should offer some sort of trial so people can use both the products and the systems before making any long term commitment. Most Opportunities do offer the trial so make sure that you consider the price entry point for yours to make sure it is realistic.

The System

You MLM Opportunity must have a great system. It must at least have an automated, web based system with an autoresponder attached to followup with your prospects and train your recruits. The followup for your prospects should be in the form of training in either Internet Marketing or in MLM and this should essentially explain to people what the opportunity is about and how you make money with it.

Most people are looking to supplement their income so if they are receiving great tips into their inbox regularly and you are training them on how the opportunity will assist them to increase their wealth then you are in a good position. As far as training your recruits, the autoresponder emails should explain about the compensation plan, how to make money with this opportunity and what is realistically required to move through the pay levels.

If there are certain levels of autoship that is required by the recruit to reach or maintain certain levels within the company, this should be explained also. This training should be done in short grabs of 200-300 word emails and in a piece meal approach so your recruit can digest the information and try out the recommendations before the next email arrives.

What this does is creates duplication. The sending of emails actually does the majority of the training for you so the contact you will receive from your recruits is to ask questions over and above the basic training they are receiving, questions like … where can I get the best leads .. real business operational questions not business setup questions. This frees you up to go about the business of attracting more people to your opportunity so it is a win win for all concerned

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The most powerful vehicle for change!

Today you are going to learn about an Amazing field know as Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP.

"NLP has metamorphosed into an all-purpose self-improvement program and technology" - Time Magazine

"NLP may be the most powerful vehicle for change in existence." - Modern Psychology Magazine

People have different definitions of just what NLP is. However at it's core it is a modeling system. What this means to you and me in basic English is that it is a
technology that allows one human being to model another human beings behaviour AND most importantly GET the SAME Results as that person.

NLP came about in the late 70's due the combined efforts of John Grinder, a Professor of Linguistics and Richard Bandler who was a Mathematics Student who began studying Psychotherapy.

Together they started creating models of how to get the same results as some of the most successful therapists and 'agents of change.' By modeling these wizards which included a man you will have heard of by now, Milton Erickson, they created one of the Most Powerful Methods for achieving fast and effective change: NLP

*NOTE: If you would like to know more about The NLP ToolBox - CLICK HERE

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Simple Tip To Improve Your Feedback Skills

The 4th principle of Natural Selling is "Feeding Back What You Think You Heard They Want". It's a principle that when used properly will save you much time and frustration by avoiding misunderstandings.

A simple way to improve your skill with feedback is to practice this principle in your everyday conversations with people.

When someone gives you information of some sort, feed it back to them. Simply say;

"If I understand you correctly…"
"So what you’re saying is…"

….and repeat what they've said.

Finish the question with another one, such as;

"Is that right?"

Similarly, if you're giving instructions or information to someone, ask them to feed back what they think you've said to them.

You'll find this instructive and very useful exercise will help avoid many potential misunderstandings!

"Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can - there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did." - Sarah Caldwell

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The most powerful hypnotist in the world!

You may be aware that there are different styles of Hypnosis. The most common form has been mythologised by Hollywood movies. Picture a man with a black cape swinging a watch and saying in a deep monotone voice something like, "You are feeling sleepy, close your eyes and sleeeeeep!"

This kind of direct hypnosis can get results, however what you are about to discover has become the 21st century, Results-Orientated, modern standard of Hypnosis.

Milton Erickson was an outstanding man. He became wheel-chair bound at an early age due to Polio and was initially paralysed except for the movement of his eyes and he could barely speak. He kept his mind stimulated by using his imagination and studying the subtle body language and verbal communications of his family.

He also discovered how to communicate powerfully with his own unconscious mind to the point where he re-learned how to walk again!

Along with this he mastered ways in which to communicate with people's unconscious minds and became a master at putting people into useful trances without them knowing. He communicated and made changes to their unconscious minds just by talking to them conversationally. This became know as Ericksonian hypnosis or Conversational Hypnosis.

Erickson went on to become the most successful Hypnotherapist of the 20th century. Many Doctors and Therapists sent their 'impossible' clients to him because he was so successful. He could even hypnotise people who claimed to be 'un-hypnotisable' and has become known as the father of Modern Hypnosis.

Your free Hypnosis Audio you have been listening to and the other Hypnosis Audio's on make extensive use of Ericksonian Hypnosis combined with NLP.

Dr. Erickson had an amazing belief in the incredible abilities of a persons unconscious mind to facilitate wonderful changes, so go ahead and listen to your free Hypnosis Audio again NOW!

And while you are here, if you've enjoyed the free audio why not treat yourself by downloading the full Set AND save yourself $23 because it's on Special Offer right now?

I'll talk to you again soon when I will Reveal Secrets about NLP which Modern Psychology Magazine described as, "NLP may be the most powerful vehicle for change in existence."

Until then have fun as you allow your unconscious mind to make some wonderful changes as you sleep and dream tonight...

Monday, June 25, 2007

Atomic Blogging - Try It!

Many people asked me how in the world I got into Internet Marketing and why and when I started blogging.

I started blogging since last March 2007 just recently I was introduced to a seminar in Singapore. I met a young guy who was only about 26 years old. Coming from the Infocomm industry, I am aware that it is the youngsters that know the new stuff, and blogging is a trend to me. Alvin Phang who unselfishly talked with me at that time, impressed me with his knowledge of blogging. I started talking to him and became good friend. I gave him a nickname, The Profitable Blogger. Yes, he has shown me how to make money from blogging.. So I did.

Now he is introducing he own product... called The Atomic Blogging. Take a look at it. It will help you if you are seriously interested to blog and make money out of your blogging. Check out Atomic Blogging.

Friday, June 22, 2007

The Wonderful Gift that will Benefit Both You and Your Team

Would you like to give each and every member of your team a wonderful gift? A gift, moreover, that is extremely valuable both to them and you and yet won't cost you a cent? The gift that I'm talking about is their "Vision".

That sense of purpose that gives value to their lives and inspires them to want to leap out of bed in the morning and go out into the world.

In my opinion, a vision is not something we help people create - it's something that they already have. It comes to all of us some time early in life.

However, most people have hidden their vision inside themselves. Over time, they've smothered it with "protective" layers of beliefs and limitations based on the rough and tumble of their past experiences.

They have literally "protected" themselves from being open to what life really has to offer, or more importantly, what they have to offer life.

These self-limiting beliefs are also based on allowing themselves to accept and live the truths and beliefs of others. These include their peers (If you don't join us you're odd)... their parents (Follow your dream son/daughter but play it safe and get a career first)... their institutions (We love creativity here BUT do it our way or else)... their governments (Trust us) and so on.

Subsequently they go through life in a direction that is usually different from that of their vision.

The good news is their vision is still there! All they need is help to find it and rekindle the flame.

Helping Them Re-Discover Their Vision

One of the remarkable things about Natural Selling is that you can actually help people rediscover their vision, so that they can see, taste, hear and feel it once again.

As an aside, there is a lot of talk about helping your team find out their "Why".

Here's the thing. The best time to help them uncover it is before they join, not after!

To me, the real "Why" is not about money and time freedom, or even the ability to stay at home and watch their kids grow. The real "Why" is much deeper than that. It's the vision and the subjective reasoning underneath that is unique to each one of us.

It boils down to living a life of and staying on Purpose - the actualization of "Why am I here?"

That's why I've always favored the "Natural Selling" approach of communicating with potential partners and customers, (The opposite of the "numbers game"). It gives you the opportunity to grow your business steadily and solidly through understanding how to help others find out what they really want and hold on to that vision.

If you give them time and space to peel back their "protective" layers and re-discover what is hidden, and allow them to see and feel their real vision, they will literally internally stir and motivate themselves to explore the idea of doing something about it.

Meantime you automatically create value in yourself and what you represent as you're seen as a person who "understands them".

And you do all this by taking the time to sit down and really listen to the other person as they explain what it is they really want. As you have a proper dialogue with them, you help them uncover and clarify their vision in a way that they may never have experienced before. You help them unleash the greatness that lies within.

By helping others re-create their vision this way, you both gain. They get back on track with their vision and you continue moving toward yours as they look to you for help and explore with open mind your solutions! A real win-win!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The power of hypnosis & your unconscious mind

One of the main principles of Hypnosis is the utilisation of your VAST Unconscious Resources to enable you to make incredible changes.

If your anything like me, you probably enjoy reading simple explanations, so here is a straight-forward theory of what 'your unconscious' is.

Your senses take in incredible amounts of information constantly. For starters each of your eyes optical nerves, process millions of bits of data every second!

With all this data entering our minds it becomes apparent we wouldn't be able to cope with this huge amount without filtering the information down to something manageable.

That is what we often call the conscious mind: ie What we are conscious of in the present moment. However all that other data is still entering our senses and is being processed by our mind on an 'out of conscious awareness' level.

Those parts of our mind are of course UNCONSCIOUS.

What you begin to realise is that Your Mind contains Incredible Treasures and Powerful Secrets that are hidden away in the vast unconscious AND Hypnosis Audio's are one of the Quickest and Most Effective ways to Tap into this Magic to enable you to Make Those Changes you've always wanted!

So what else can Hypnosis Audios do for you?

Have you ever desired any of these:

Gain a Genuine Sense of Confidence and Charisma: Which of your friends will notice and comment on it first?

Increase your Self-esteem and become more and more convinced of your own abilities. Build Your Self-Belief!

Re-discover how to effortlessly ease into wonderfully pleasant states of Relaxation. Rapidly reduce your stress and begin to feel healthier and healthier.

"Extremely Relaxing Hypnosis" - J. Hainer

By using Hypnosis Audio's you will find yourself more easily tapping into Your Amazing Creativity. Save time and become more and more Creative and Productive!

Sky Rocket your Optimism! Re-kindle those Special Dreams and vision you used to have. Or utilising your unconscious, surprise and Delight Yourself with Fantastic NEW Hopes, Dreams and Visions!

That's right! With these Hypnosis Audio's you can start to Imagine an Amazing, Bright, Fantastic Future!

"If you could make a change, ANY CHANGE, within the next few days, what would you want? REALLY WANT?!"

Hypnosis Audio's can Empower YOU to achieve these results that you really want to, so why not go and download the full 8 Audio Set (on Special Offer! Save yourself $23!) or just select one that you would get the most benefit from right now?!

Click Here!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How To Flood Your Blogs With MASSIVE Traffic & Cash!

Recently I have just met an underground expert blogger name Alvin Phang. He is a close friend of mine and he seriously is an expert at blogging!

He get tons of free traffic at his blog at a rate of 700 visitors PER DAY! I don't know about you but that's INSANE for a blog that is only 8 months old!

Alvin really walks the talk and recently he launches a brand new product call Atomic Blogging and I think he's crazy as he is offering it at such high value but at such a LOW PRICE!

If you are looking for a guide on blogging and want to make money from blogs you should head on to this website now!

PS: Take this offer before Alvin decides to remove it... head on to NOW!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Email Cash Pro - Earn $ to Read Emails

Konnichiwa... any1 heard of EmailCashPro?

EmailCashPro is a system that pays you to read emails internationally. You will also get the latest product launch info, special offers and giveaways on products and services that YOU ARE INTERESTED.

I've already received my 1st $10 from EmailCashPro!!! What are you waiting for? Join now & Start Earning!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Like to CONVERT your opinion into CASH?

They want to pay you for:

  • Sharing your opinions on products and services
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In return, you get:

  • Cash and gifts
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  • Your own shopping e-mall where you get cash back on all your purchases

Your input is valuable because it helps companies understand what consumers want.

Imagine how much they could lose if they didn't research consumers' opinions first.

So get rewarded for your opinions and help companies develop better products!

Join YourSay for FREE! We accept members worldwide.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Hypnosis audio secrets for Superior Results!

I'm sure like me, you want to get the best results AND quickly from your Hypnosis Audios, right?

So, below are some quick tips. Please Do Use Them because doing so will much more likely give you the results you want!

The free Hypnosis Audio link again:

AOL link: AOL Click Here

*** Quick Tips for getting Superior Results from your Hypnosis/NLP Audio Downloads ***

Tips for getting superior results from NLP/Hypnosis Audios:

  • Use headphones.
  • Listen to the Audio with Intention eg. 'I am gaining more Confidence.'
  • Listen to the Audio in the evening before sleeping and/or in the morning. Hypnotic Trance is a deep level of relaxation. Your mind is much more receptive to positive suggestions in this state.
  • It's recommended people listen to a Hypnosis Audio every day for the first 2 weeks and in the third week about 2/3 times. After that just listen every now and then for re- enforcement.
  • If you have more than one Hypnosis Audio it is recommended that you just listen to one audio for the first couple of weeks. After two weeks you can listen to different Hypnosis Audios and alternate them if you wish.


"I highly recommend you download the complete Hypnosis/NLP Audio Eight Set. I got my set about 3 years ago and I am still finding them useful! They really are good quality and effective. The way Robert has structured each audio session is very smart because they each work effectively on there own and at the same time they help to re-enforce learnings and changes from the other Audios! Specifically by listening to these audio's within a few days I felt Much More Energised, re-connected to my true dreams, more Optimistic, Increased self worth, more self-assured AND More Confident! By the way, they are also very useful for learning the language structures of Ericksonian Hypnosis."

- Colin G Smith


There you go, that's it! So if you can now, sit back and Relax, put your headphones on and allow you unconscious to make some Wonderful Changes...

Look out for the message I will be sending you next week, titled, "The Power of Hypnosis & Your Unconscious Mind."

Until then enjoy your free Hypnosis Audio!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

How To Avoid Spam With Akismet

This Tutorial is Part of Atomic Blogging ( A Step By Step Guide to Blogging )


What you see above are the number of Spam messages I get so far on my blog! It's HUGE! Arent they ignoring? To avoid and prevent all this spam you must use Akismet - A Free Plugin to avoid spam for your blog.

Before I start, Akismet is a free open source spam program online to help fight spam for wordpress owners.

Just follow the following steps to get started to prevent Spam on your blog.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

"Better Relationships: Ten Top Tips"

We all want to get along better with others. Sometimes it just feels so damn awkward with certain people though! Wouldn't it be great if we knew simple principles that enabled us to experience more satisfying relationships.

The following Top Ten Tips offer you some simple advice that you can begin to apply right now.

  • Remember that however unreasonable someone is acting their behaviour is derived from a positive intention. When you 'act as if' all behaviour has a positive intention behind it, through discovering it, your life will become more pleasant. An example: You meet an angry person and you think how childish and silly they are. But if you were to ask yourself, "what is the positive intention behind this persons angry behaviour?", you could come up with something useful that allows you to feel more comfortable. For instance people often act angry because behind this they believe it will protect them from harm.
  • When you find yourself feeling uncomfortable in an interaction 'get some perspective' by disassociating. In your minds eye see yourself and the other person interacting over there, rather like you would if you were to see a movie of the situation.
  • Step into their shoes. This is one of the most powerful methods for gaining wisdom about your relationships. To begin you imagine communicating with the other person, noticing how they talk, observe their facial expressions and so on. You then 'step into their shoes' and see through their eyes and hear through their ears. So of course you will be looking at yourself! Run through a conversation you've had before that could of been better. Notice 'yourself' and become aware of how seeing things from this other persons perspective gives you knew insights into the relationship. This method is described in more detail in my free mini-course.
  • What assumptions are you making about the other person? Are you willing to challenge those assumptions? Pick one. What is the opposite of that? Eg) Narrow minded/Open minded. Now imagine interacting with the person with this new attitude.
  • Step into the 'WE' frame: Think about a person you want to get along with better. Disassociate: Picture both of you interacting in your minds eye. Now allow yourself to find a common purpose between the two of you. Of course if you can't come up with anything you can always fall back on the fact that you are just two human beings who are trying to experience more happiness.
  • 'Funify' your boss (or that irritating colleague): Many people experience difficulties communicating with their boss. It's often due to being too serious. So here is a simple, quick way to inject the antidote: FUN! Ok, picture your boss or whoever. And then notice their facial features. What stands out? Is it their nose, their eyes, eye brows, chin? Now you simply exaggerate those features rather like a caricature cartoonist does. Exaggerate and 'funify' it in such a way that it makes you laugh or at least feel better towards the relationship.
  • No Failure, Only Feedback (or Learning Experiences.) A really useful way to make beneficial changes is to view everything as a learning experience. So thinking about a relationship you find challenging, notice how you usually respond to the person and then ask yourself, "How else could I respond?" How many different ways could you respond in your interactions? Come up with at least 3 possibilities. This enables your mind to generate more flexibility of behaviour.
  • Often when we experience difficulties in our relationships it is due to focusing on faults. This distorts our perception of the overall relationship, which is really a mixture of good and bad qualities. To re-focus our attention on the bigger picture begin to remember qualities you admire in the other person. Come up with three, picture them, increase the size of the images and place them around an image of the 'faulty' qualities of the person. And remember positive intention, take a look at Tip 1 again!
  • What would be the consequence of staying stuck in the same relationship dynamic with a particular person, say 25 years from now?! The fact is if you want to experience better relationships YOU are going to have to change your viewpoints or attitude. It's OK, this can be fairly simple. Imagine stepping into the future 25 years from now and look back at that relationship and notice that it has remained in the same stuck pattern year after year for 25 years! Looking at it like this, acting as if it could really happen, allow your feelings to arise that make you say, "enough is enough I MUST change!"
  • Think of someone you would like to get along with better. Choose someone of medium level "problematic-ness" and then read the follow questions slowly: Isn't it true that all of the problems that we experience when relating to others is due to OUR feelings? What if we were to change our feelings? This could make things easier didn't it?

If you want to experience more satisfying relationships you are going to have to gain some new perspectives. Applying one or more of the methods above will help you achieve this more easily!

Friday, June 8, 2007

"Unlock Your Creative Inspiration"

You know the human mind, your mind, is truly awesome. Everything we see around us, incredible architecture, paintings, wondrous machines and the amazing musical masterpieces of the ages all started in someone’s imagination!

We all possess this creative mechanism.

Sometimes though we become, "stuck in a rut" or start to, "see blank", or we "hit a brick wall." These are common phrases used by people that are in 'stuck states.' Their mind is unwilling to go else where.

Just what is this state of mind and more interestingly how can we discover proven methods to ease out of it, swiftly and smoothly, into inspired and creative states of being?!

If we were to look inside their mind we would likely discover that their 'stuckness' was in fact a bit like a video loop. It would be as if they were repeating a short clip of a movie over and over: Hit a brick wall... back to the beginning and... repeat...

So how can you snap out of these loops?

Here's a lickety-split way: Switch Representational System

It's easier than it sounds honest! Look at that person over there. She looks like she's in a bit of stymie. "Hey how's tricks? You look like you could do with some creative inspiration?! Ahhhh ok, Lisa, let's see what we can do then..."

First of all notice where and how you feel that stuck state. Where on/in your body is that feeling? I bet it's not in your little toe or is it?!

Good. Now switch representational system by giving that feeling a colour. 'As you notice that feeling what colour represents that best?' Just go with the first colour.

And if you wish you could now give that feeling a sound. 'What sound represents this feeling?'

Great, well done!

You've done the main part. What you have done is to access a different part of your mind by representing the feeling in a different sensory system (Visual/Auditory.)

If you wanted, just for fun, you could even represent the feeling as a smell or taste! 'What does this feeling smell/taste like?'

With that you have instantly accessed multiple resources from different brain centres, allowing the creative process to emerge.

What you can do next is to explore the new representation in it's own sense system. So for example let's say the feeling you had, looked like black foggy cloud and sounded like a dull and distant tinny sounding radio.

The next step is to PLAY with these images and sounds.

For example what happens if you 'paint' a silver lining around the black clouds?

If you were to imagine bringing that radio closer how would the sound quality alter? Turn the dial?

I think you get the basic gist by now, so go ahead and give it a go and get wild and wacky because humour is always good for a laugh isn't it?!

So what happens now when you think about the 'stuck state'? Your feelings have changed!

This process enables your mind to have more choice. Instead of getting stuck in a 'dead end' pathway, you have numerous ones to choose from. And more choice equals more flexibility, which equals more creativity.

Creativity is just a state of mind that can be triggered with specific mental strategies and can be enhanced by exploring other perspectives using a variety of tools. And the great thing is, the more you practice creative thinking, the more creative you become!

Simply by learning to use our brains in more diverse ways we can discover the master keys to unlocking the power of our creative imagination!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

"Free Hypnosis Downloads: Finding High Quality Hypnosis"

If you are curious about Hypnosis, one of the best ways to discover how beneficial it can be is to listen to a high quality free hypnosis download. Now the important point to keep in mind is that some Hypnosis products are of poor quality and they employ ineffective hypnotic techniques.

Many hypnosis products use what is known as direct hypnosis. The Hypnotist makes direct statements such as, "You will be confident" and repeats these affirmations throughout the recording. This hypnotic process can get results, however the persons conscious mind tends to 'battle' against the direct suggestions with self-talk such as, "no I'm not confident.'

A much more elegant and effective approach is to use what is commonly known as Ericksonian Hypnosis, named after one of the most successful Hypnotherapists that's ever lived: Milton H. Erickson. This hypnotic process makes use of the power of Metaphor and story telling and it therefore tends to bypass your conscious mind and works directly with the unconscious mind. Right where you want it! This style of Hypnosis is well suited to an audio recording because you simply relax and listen to the narrative and music in the background.

The highest quality free hypnosis downloads utilise the power of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming.) NLP is a field of Psychology that models human excellence. NLP models precisely what an exceptional person has done inside their mind to get a desired result or outcome. Eg) They increased their feeling of confidence in public speaking by a factor of three. So good quality hypnosis audio incorporates NLP language structures into the process to encourage you to experience unconscious change.

One of the other benefits of listening to a free hypnosis download is that it is very safe to do so. You know how long the session will last, say 15 to 20 minutes and if you feel the need, you can simply open your eyes and turn the download off. So you have complete control!

By listening to a Hypnosis session you could change your life, become inspired, open up to new possibilities/opportunities and start to fulfill your dreams. Or if nothing else you just get to relax and listen to an interesting story accompanied with soothing music. So really, what have you got to lose?

Colin G Smith is a licensed Master Practitioner of NLP and offers you a FREE Hypnosis Download session by New York Hypnotherapist, R. Siegal, called "Dream Beyond Your Dreams!", a powerful and inspiring NLP / Ericksonian Hypnosis Journey that could radically change your life!

Get it now while it's still free!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

"The Swish Pattern: Change Habits Quickly With NLP"

The Swish Pattern was discovered by using Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to model what people do inside their minds. So the fact is you actually do "Swish's" already! The Siwsh Pattern Technique will enable you to consciously create the changes you want in a powerful way.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "you get more of what you focus on?" I'm sure you have because it's a popular phrase that is an accurate description of how the mind works. For example if I were to ask you to remember a favourite holiday experience and as you recall it now I could get you to focus on more and more aspects by asking what specifically did you see, hear, smell, taste and feel in the experience.

So what happens with behavioural and thinking habits is that the mind focus's on something and goes in that direction; rather like a guided missile. Of course not being perfect enlightened beings just yet our minds acquire unwanted habits. We can use NLP's Swish Pattern technique to re-direct our brain away from the unwanted focus, towards a new wanted directional focus.

This 'away from X, towards Y' principle creates a very powerful motivational strategy known as a propulsion system. The Swish Pattern makes full use of this principle to generate quick and effective results.

One of the great things about the swish pattern is that it creates generative change. Remedial change is where you fix problem X, such as a phobia of dogs, and that is that. Generative change on the other hand generalises change into other areas of your life. Because the Swish Pattern utilises Self-Image as part of the technique you can look forward to greater self-esteem in other areas of your life.

To clarify what I mean imagine you used 'the swish' to resolve a habit of feeling low self-esteem when asserting yourself with your partner. Because of the generative aspect of the technique you would probably be pleased to discover feelings of greater self-esteem in other areas of your life too. For example when talking to a certain colleague.

You know, your mind learns quickly! The Swish Pattern makes use of the Half Second Rule principle which allows your mind to be reprogrammed in such a way as to make the change stick and become automatic! Just imagine that, no need to keep consciously remembering to focus on the new direction. Once you've done the Swish Pattern you will have re-wired your brain and the new habit will be on auto-pilot!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

"Fast Phobia Cure: Get Results Within 10 Minutes"

Even now that fact is hard for many people to accept! The truth is though, the Fast Phobia Cure has now been in existence for over twenty years and has been used successfully on 100's of thousands of people. From simple Poodle Phobias to more extreme cases such as Vietnam war survivors with horrific traumatic memories. Gone are the months of psycho-therapy, reliving pain and spending loads of your hard earned cash.

I suspect you've probably heard of NLP by now. To keep it simple NLP is a technology that enables people to model human excellence. The original co-creators of NLP, Bandler & Grinder created the Fast Phobia Cure by modelling people who had had phobias and gotten rid of them. NLP states that, "What one person can do, another person can learn to do the same" : Modelling.

So Bandler & Grinder asked these people specific questions to discover what went on in their heads and created the Fast Phobia Cure technique. The First part of the process involves disassociation. That is, you see yourself in the phobic situation as if on a movie screen. Just this one step is very useful because it allows you to have feelings about the feelings: Meta Feelings. This enables you to gain useful insights and access more resources.

The next part of the process involves re-organising the structure of the phobic response: The anchored associations and triggers that make you have the phobic response. The way this is achieved is by imagining the movie being rewound, so you experience everything backwards. This is done very fast utilising the Half Second Rule.

Doing this process scrambles the phobic associations and re-organises your brains synapses so that you learn to have new responses. The entire technique can be learned and applied in less than 10 minutes.

Classically the technique is known as the Fast Phobia Cure, however I prefer to call it the Anxiety Removal Machine because it can be used to successfully remove anxious feelings associated with future events and not just phobias.

I believe many more people need to know about this amazing technique along with other rapid change techniques that utilise the Half Second Rule. There are many people suffering in the world who would be very pleased to learn about techniques that can 'fix them' within 10 minutes!

Monday, June 4, 2007

"How to Raise Self Esteem: Part Two"

In this second part of the article about how to raise self esteem I would like to introduce you to a wonderful technique from the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) known as 'The Swish.'

Using this technique you can re-program your thought process's to move away from the unwanted behaviour (i.e. "I am a useless person") towards a healthier thinking process such as, "I am learning to be more resourceful." It's one of the quickest ways to re-direct your habitual thinking patterns!

To give this process a go right now please answer the following simple question: Think of a specific situation where you feel low-self esteem, for example standing in a long queue or speaking in public orasserting yourself with someone.

Become aware of the first picture you see through your own eyes just before you feel the crappy feelings. We'll call this the cue image.

Now put that aside for a moment and ask yourself the following, "If I were to think of something that made me feel good how would that feel now?"

It's important to remember that this doesn't need to be something perfect. The question is, "Does it feel better than the low self esteem feeling?" If you're having difficulty accessing a good feeling try the following:

Think about your favourite pet/animal.

How many things can you feel gratitude for?
What is your favourite food?
Who do you admire?
Which music turns you on?

That feels better right? So if you were to symbolise that good feeling what would it look like? It can just be a colour if you wish!

Notice that when you look at that symbol and make it bigger and bring it closer and crank up the colour and brightness it makes you feel even better doesn't it.

So the next step to re-program you mind is about to begin!

Picture that cue-image again if you will. You know the one that cued up the crappy feelings. Bring it closer and make it bigger and brighter.

Now in the middle place a small, postage stamp sized image of the 'good feeling symbol.'

This is the exciting part; the actual swish.

Imagine zooming the crappy feeling cue image off into the distance, noticing it getting smaller and dimmer as it goes off away from you.

AND at the same time bring the good feeling symbol closer and make it bigger and brighter.

Then blank the screen. Simply imagine you've blanked your inner mental screen. Some people seen a big black board or others see a white screen.

Do the actual 'swishing' several times until you can imagine doing it in less than half a second.

The final steps are to break your current state: Think of something totally different like what you ate for breakfast or do times tables in your head.

And now think of the original cue image and notice that your feelings have changed!

I have used a simplified version of the NLP Swish technique in this article because the standard procedure utilises the visualising of a desired self-image which I know can be quite challenging to achieve if a person is feeling very low. The full step-by-step version of the technique, along with many more tips, can be found in "The NLP
ToolBox" and "The Half-Second Rule."

Low self esteem and it's associated 'victim behaviour' have a tendency to re-enforce themselves resulting in a person suffering with feelings of low energy. To break out of these kinds of habitual patterns and raise self esteem it is necessary to do something different. Anything else to break the patterns!

The NLP Swish technique is a very effective tool for breaking out of destructive patterns along with NLP's many other useful change methods.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

"How to Raise Self Esteem: Part One"

Have you ever felt bad about yourself? Most people have at some point in their life, including the most exceptional of characters. It's part of the human experience.

A person that regularly experiences negative feelings such as, self-hate, guilt, shame and embarrassment is commonly referred to as having low self esteem. One of the main problems with breaking out of these emotional habit patterns is that a person with low self esteem tends to 'beat themselves up' with overly critical self-talk such as, "I shouldn't be feeling like this" or "Why am I feeling like this", and
unfortunately this creates a looping effect which re-enforces the crappy feelings!

So just how do you snap out of that kind of low energy level wretchedness and raise self esteem? Well, one of the master keys to using your brain is to keep in mind the fact that it goes in directions. Your thought patterns are 'directionalised.'

Allow me to explain. If you kept having thoughts along the lines of, "I am a useless person", then that would become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because you'd set that up as the direction for your brain to go in you would keep finding 'evidence' that proved it was 'true!' There's a great quote from philosopher, Robert Anton Wilson; "What ever the thinker thinks, the prover proves."

Basically you need to adopt a new thinking pattern that heads in an empowering direction. A really quick way to do this is to use a technique known as disassociation.

Think of situation where you would like to raise your self esteem feelings and notice what you can see in this experience. Now imagine stepping outside of yourself and pushing that picture off into the distance over there onto a movie screen. So you can see yourself, in that situation, on the movie screen.

That's great! Notice how your feelings have already changed. It's as if you're having feelings about the feelings and this frees up your inner resources so you can gain new self - esteeming perspectives and insights.

Looking at that movie with you in it ask yourself, "If I were to learn something useful about this situation what would it be?" And you can also ask the very powerful question, "If I act as if or pretend there is a positive intention behind my behaviour/feelings what would that be?" Don't struggle with it. Just guess if it helps you get an answer. The main point is does it get your mind going in a more positive direction: Does it feel better?

Why not run through some other scenarios with the procedure above and become aware of just how much more you really can raise self esteem with a little bit of effort.

In part two of this Article I will introduce you to a very powerful technique from the field of NLP that is one of the fastest and most effective methods of creating change.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"The Half-Second Rule"

The mind learns fast. A very powerful way to view life is to experience everything as a learning experience. I think it was Dr. Richard Bandler (co-creator of NLP) who first made me realise that Phobias are in fact a learned response. The mind of the Phobic has learned to associate a stimulus (eg a Wasp) to a response (eg Panic!)

The more you ponder this idea the more profound you will realise the implications. And here's the deal. Does a person develop a phobia of wasps over time? You know, do they see a wasp one day and then the next week they see another and decide they don't like them and get more and more afraid of them?

No. Phobias are 'learned' very, very fast. Out of consciousness, in less than half a second!

They have an intense emotional response which becomes associated/anchored to the stimulus in such a way that that state is AUTOMATICALLY triggered whenever they see/hear/feel/smell/taste the stimulus again!

This is incredible! The persons mind will from then on automatically go into a very altered state, within half a second of experiencing the stimulus.

Now I think you'd agree, phobias aren't exactly useful, right?

But, what if you could use that same Stimulus/Response mechanism to create automatic states of Joy, Ecstasy, Fun and Bliss.

Would that be useful to you in any area of you life? ;)

Now for sure they are many other ways of creating effective change. Some methods use different concepts and are slower to implement. With this article I wanted to introduce you to the half-second rule concepts because they are less well known than other "change-technologies" and they lend themselves well to generating more fun because they are playful by design.

The following technique is a really fascinating NLP tool because it makes great use of your unconscious resources. I only discovered it recently and was surprised to learn that many 'NLP veterans' didn't know about it either!

Merging Metaphors

(Adapted from a technique called 'Spinning Icons' developed by Joe Munshaw and Nelson Zink.).

  • Select a problem state.
  • As you think about your problem state what visual image comes to mind? Notice where it is located in space.
  • Break your current state: eg) Remember you phone number backwards or look up and notice the patterns on the ceiling. Now think about the desired resource state (or outcome, or goal) you would like instead. Notice how you represent this as a visual image. Pay attention to where it is located in space.
  • Now allow your mind to turn the first picture (problem state) into a metaphorical symbol or icon. Keep it in the same location in space. (This visual metaphor could be quite
    complex or it may be as simple as a colour. Just trust your unconscious.)
    TOP TIP: It can be useful to ask yourself, "What is this problem state like?" This often allows a metaphorical representation to arise.
  • Do the same thing with the desired resource state you selected in step 3, making sure to place the new metaphor symbol in the same location in space as the original image.
  • Now see the two metaphor symbols at the same time noticing their locations in space. Next slowly rotate them around each other. Keep rotating them around each other and
    do so faster and faster. Do this spinning for about 10 seconds allowing the rotation to be so fast that you can no longer track the images and you may even feel a little confused.
  • Now allow the images to merge together, that's right. And push this merged image out in front of you where you can view it easily. Describe the new image briefly, quickly
    moving to step 8.
  • Immediately begin telling WHATEVER story comes to mind. Just allow yourself to start telling a story. It doesn't matter what it is. It could be a real memory, a story or just simply made up ramblings. The point being is that this process taps into your vast unconscious resources.
  • Now ask yourself, "How is this story relevant to my problem/challenge?" or "How can this story help resolve my problem?" (This step can help to give you conscious insight into how the previous steps have made some useful changes.)

Isn't that a great technique! You know it's got that magical spirit of curious wonder to it hasn't it? So I wonder how else could you use a tool like that to add more magical sparkles to your life?

Monday, May 28, 2007

"Destination Freedom"

I don't know about you but these days I often hear people using the word 'enlightenment' as if it's a common experience. According to Buddhism enlightenment is the complete cessation of all sufferings and a permanent state of peace and happiness.

Not many people there yet then!

Everyone wants more freedom. And as you know real freedom comes from within. Our sense of the external reality around us is strongly influenced by our internal 'maps' of reality. From time to time we have certain thoughts that restrict our sense of freedom. These thoughts are sometimes beliefs that were formed earlier in our life and are now out of date! Other times our thoughts are clouded by impaired perception.

One of the amazing facts about the time we find ourselves in now is that there is an absolute abundance of methods, techniques and tools available to us for re-modeling our realities in a way that enables us to experience much more freedom!

So as we find ourselves on this journey, this journey on the road to freedom what changes start to arise in your minds eye? Because even just a small change can generate new feelings of freedom.

Have you ever seen one of those optical illusion drawings? You know the ones where there is a picture and at first glance you can just see one face. But as you continue
looking and change your focus ever so slightly you get a surprise when another image in the picture appears!

You can relate this to your perspectives on things in your life. New perspectives can be very powerful and you don't necessarily need to view things from a radically different viewpoint. Just a small shift in perspective can bring about profound changes.

If you were to recall a recent situation where you would have preferred to act in a more resourceful manner, could you imagine reviewing the situation from a different
perspective? How about looking at it as if it were a movie. And what new information would arise if you viewed it from the perspective of a giant eagle? Or a field mouse? Or what about from the viewpoint of a fly with it's one hundred eye vision.

Give it a go because this kind of visualisation exercise can free-up you creative mind and allow you to make new realisations as your unconscious reveals previously hidden information!

As you continue to use your mind more you build faith in your own ability. And when that faith builds you find yourself able to make the changes you desire more easily. Your self-esteem begins to build and you will inspire others with your new sense of freedom.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

"How to Change Your Perception-Direction to Rapidly Increase Your Success"

We've all heard the phrase, "You get more of what you focus on." In the Hawaiian shamanism system, known as Huna, they teach the principle of blessing. For instance if you want to become a more creative individual every time you come across something that represents 'creativity' you would bless it. Let's say you were walking down the street and you saw an artist painting. You could verbally compliment him or you could simply mentally bless his creativity with your intention which could be something like, "This is creativity, I bless him for it."

By doing this regularly you condition your mind to go in a certain direction: "Look for examples of creativity in the world that I can bless." An interesting effect of this practice is that the more you focus on finding positive qualities to bless, the more you discover!

In therapeutic settings clients often come along complaining of behaviours they don't like and want to get rid of. Now if the therapist were to have the focus of believing that the clients behaviour was indeed unnecessary he may focus on this aspect and have the client discover where this behaviour started. Discovering why he has chosen to adopt this behaviour and so on.

But what if the therapist had the focus of, "Every behaviour has a positive intention behind it." Just with this shift in direction could result in a much more pleasant and useful change in the client. By discovering the positive intention behind behaviours, adding in new behaviours, choices and flexibility would more likely create a generative, positively focused direction for the clients mind to go in.

This kind of generative change-work tends to create a more pervasive shift in the clients model of the world because they have made a change that has added more choice and flexibility and so they think, "ahhh if I can add choices to this area of my life, why not get more flexible in other areas?!"

Another interesting point about directions is that it's more powerful to setup a direction that is flowing, a process, rather than a static change. Think about the following and notice which statement is more powerful, "I am confident", or "I am becoming more confident."

Because one of the minds natural functions is to go in a direction, change-work becomes more powerful if you set up a process as the direction. "I am confident" is static, whereas, "I am becoming more confident" is a process that re-enforces itself.

Knowing this 'master key' can make your use of change technologies, such as the tools of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) work all the more effectively.

So as you begin to think about the directions you want your mind to go in, doesn't it just make sense to use tools that re-program your mind to *automatically* go in the direction you want to go in?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

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"The Ultimate Truth in Persuasion"

OK, so you want to improve your persuasion power right?

Why? What's your intention?

As you know your intent directs the flow of energy in your interactions with others. So doesn't it just make sense to have in mind a really clear and strong intent before you engage in your powerful persuasion mission.

If you were to think about the person (s) you want to persuade what comes to mind in regards to the benefits they will gain from your persuasion?

Of course your 'persuasive pitch' will be received much more receptively if your intent is strongly biased to their benefits.

So stepping into their shoes what benefits can you perceive from their angle and looking at the situation as if you were watching a movie what other ideas come to mind?

Having some idea of what the other person (s) want and keeping that positive intention nice and strong in mind when interacting with the person (s) will automatically create a 'good vibe' between you, thus creating that well known fundamental persuasion skill - Rapport!

Now in your interaction with the other party you would increase your persuasion parlance greatly by asking well focused questions. Basically you want to ask questions that get the other person to open up so that you can discover one of the very powerful motivators-to-action in humans known as 'values.'

This is another aspect of the very fascinating way in which the human mind works because you find yourself becoming increasingly curious about people's values as your persuasion power increases, doesn't it.

Now an important point to remember in this curious adventure is when you have got them talking: You Shut Up! AND Listen!

Isn't that cool, you just sit there and listen as they give you loads of high quality information that you can then use to powerfully persuade and guide them!

By paying attention you will notice that people use certain words which have a lot of emotional value for them personally. You could call these words their personal trance words.

Let me give you an example to clarify what we are talking about. Let's say you are helping someone make a change in their life. Now presuming the person has asked you to help them you can make the change process happen even more smoothly by asking them certain questions.

So during conversation with this person you could ask them, "Why exactly do you want to make this change?" And, "What would having made this change, give you?" And also you could ask, "Why is that important to you?"

As you ask these questions you will notice that they have to access deeper parts of their minds. So by paying attention and listening carefully you will discover some of their personal trance words.

Some possible examples of their personal trance words might be: inner peace, better energy, assertiveness. Keep in mind the important fact that these words could have a deep and powerful feeling associated with them in their internal experience.

Now what do you suppose would happen if you were to then describe and incorporate those wonderful personal trance words into your persuasive change 'pitch'?

That's right, they would be much more likely to go along with your persuasive intervention because you are using words which stimulate powerful feelings inside them for the changes that they really want!

So just what is 'the ultimate truth in persuasion'? Well the fact is in the art of persuasion, or indeed anything, there are many ways of doing things, many perspectives, techniques, methods and tools. The point being, by using it and paying attention to feedback, will it get you the results you want?

Friday, May 25, 2007

"Sack Your Shrink BY Using Your Frickin Brain For a ChANge!"

What if you were to imagine a Universe where effective ChANge was simple, pain-free and mind-glowingly fast! I suppose you feel pretty good Right?

well Now...

Once upon a time... a long, long time ago in a far away galaxy (hummmmm?)

Ahhhhh yes... a long, long time ago ChANge used to be regarded as a lengthy, painful process, but then the wizards appeared and they began to uncover the secrets: The Structure of Magic! The magic of fast and effective ChANge!

At first people were sceptical. Was it really possible to safely banish a persons life-long phobia in less than 3 minutes! After all it used to take at least 10 minutes in the olden days!

Wow! What else was possible? hmmmmm

And so as the wizards began to increasingly unravel magical structures they began to real-eyes that the more they modeled the most effective people on the planet, in EVERY human endeavour (Human Excellence), the more they found themselves creating extraordinary Trance-Formations. ChANges were achieved faster, more consistently, more powerfully, even miraculously!

That's right, pure Magic in Action!

So over, under and to the sides of time, the more people learned and mastered the real secrets of ChANge, the more people realised it was time for a ChANge. And even those people that had never REALLY done so before started using their brain for a ChANge!

I think you'll agree, this was an exciting time to be alive! To be reborn as a living Human Being! Just imagining the possibilities for ChANge could allow a person to remember inspiring stories such as 'Frogs into Princes.'

And a person could even begin to find themselves enjoying the journey... the journey of discovering brand new structures of magic too!

Oh yeah, BY the way you are living in that universe RIGHT NOW! So kiss the inner 'Frog' inside yourself and allow it to grow into a beautiful, magical Prince or Princess.

That's right! Now WAKE UP!!!


A Quick & Profound, Super-Simple-ChANge Technique:

"Collapsing Anchors"

(Note: You can make this technique REALLY difficult if you want. May I suggest that you K.I.S.S the frog instead!)

  • Select a certain feeling you want to get rid of. As you feel it squeeze your finger and thumb on your left hand to anchor this state.
  • On an intensity scale of 0 to 10, where is this feeling?
  • Break state. Now think about what you would like to feel instead. What would make you remain in a more resourceful state? Relaxation? Humour? Etc. (May I suggest you choose
    humour because humour is an incredible gift from the gods!)
  • Now choose one of the resourceful states you have come up with and remember a time you felt that resource strongly. What does this resourceful state feel like?
  • Remembering that resourceful state, anchor it to your right hand by squeezing your finger and thumb together.
  • On an intensity scale of 0 to 10, where is this feeling? Important: Make sure that this resourceful feeling is more intense than the fearful feeling.
  • Break state. Now squeeze your left hand finger and thumb anchor, hold it, at the same time as you squeeze the right hand finger and thumb anchor. Keep both anchors on for a few seconds, say 7 seconds. (Note: Many people get a sense when the anchors have 'collapsed' or integrated, often by a noticeable shift in breathing.)
  • Release the left hand anchor and just hold the right hand anchor for a couple of seconds.
  • Break state. Now think of the original feeling you selected in step 1.


Thanks must go to Richard Bandler. If you don't know why, by now, you really ought too! Hint: It's in the Title(s)

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