Tuesday, March 27, 2007

"How To Sell Network Marketing Without Fear, Anxiety or Losing Your Friends!"

MLM Distributors…

"Free MLM Training E-Course Reveals How You Can Build Your MLM Business Without Fear, Anxiety Or Losing Your Friends!"

The "7 Steps To Natural Selling" MLM Training E-Course Will Help You Make Objections And Rejection A Thing Of The Past. These Obstacles Will No Longer Be A Barrier To Your Success In MLM!

Dear MLM Distributor & Members,

Do potential customers and partners react to you defensively... reject you and your offers, and leave you feeling down and discouraged?

Do you find the selling techniques and systems that work for some MLM Distributors... just don’t feel right for you?

If so, you’re not alone and there is a reason for this. Amazing though it may sound, the very techniques and strategies that you may have been taught may actually be the cause of the problems!

That’s right. The "objection handling" and "closing" techniques typically taught to MLM Distributors actually CAUSE more resistance and make things worse! It's crazy!!

There is a solution to this and it’s an approach I call “Natural Selling”. It's an approach based on timeless principles of communication that will help you build your MLM business easily and effectively.

So that you can see for yourself what this is about and if it’s the right thing for you, I have created a special 7 part MLM training ecourse that will explain clearly…

  • Why the conventional sales methods taught to distributors and direct sales people are ineffective and, even worse, actually cause objections and rejection; and
  • What you can do about this by adopting a different approach that I call Natural Selling.

Each day, for 7 days, I will post it here for you to focus on a specific idea and a brief exercise to help you put the ideas you learn into practice straight away.

Here’s some of what’s in the e-course…

  • What really causes rejection and objections.
  • Why building your MLM business based on solid principles, and not techniques and systems, will eliminate rejection and attract people to you.
  • Knowing the critical difference between focusing on your Purpose or your Personal Agenda, and how it can change your outcome… every time!
  • The Power behind Asking Questions.
  • The Magic of Listening and how it alone will draw people to you like a magnet
  • How to allow people to persuade themselves to look at your solutions…
  • And much, much more!!

At the end of the course, you’ll have a solid grasp of how “Natural Selling” can help you discover the truth about selling and allow you to start applying the ideas in your MLM business to get the results you want.

P.S. I guarantee 100% if the foundation of what you are currently doing isn’t working for you, and you continue doing it, tomorrow will yield the same results. Change the foundation and you'll change the results in your MLM business.

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